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Batmanghelich, Kayhan
Assistant Professor
Biomedical Informatics, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Baumel, Carla
Associate Professor
Civil & Environmental Engr, Environmental
Bayles, Taryn
Professor, Vice Chair for Undergraduate Education
Chem/Petroleum Engineering
Bayoumy, Mohamed
Assistant Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Bazerque Giusto, Juan
Visiting Assistant Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Bean, Allison
Assistant Professor
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Becich, Michael
Distinguished Professor, Distinguished University Professor and Chair
Biomedical Informatics, Bioengineering Department, Clinical and Translational Science Institute, Pathology
Becker, Jason
Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Medicine
Medicine, Bioengineering Department
Beckman, Eric
Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus
Chem/Petroleum Engineering
Bedewy, Mostafa
Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science
Behrangzade, Ali
Visiting Research Assistant Professor
Bioengineering Department
Bell, Kevin
Assistant Professor
Bioengineering Department