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Rahimian, Amin
Assistant Professor
Industrial Engineering
Rajgopal, Jayant
Professor, Graduate Program Director
Industrial Engineering
Redfern, Mark
Professor, Interim Department Chair of Bioengineering
Bioengineering Department, Clinical and Translational Science Institute, Otolaryngology
Reed, Gregory
Professor, Founder and Inaugural Director, Energy GRID Institute and the Electric Power Systems Lab
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rihn, Kevin
Adjunct Lecturer
Civil & Environmental Engr
Rizzo, Piervincenzo
Civil & Environmental Engr
Robbins, Elaine
Adjunct Research Assistant Professor
Bioengineering Department
Roberts, Mark
Distinguished Professor, Clinical and Research Fellow
Health Policy & Management, GSPH-Dean, Office of the
Robertson, Anne
Distinguished Service Professor, Professor
Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science, Bioengineering Department
Rodriguez Alonso, Joaquin
Assistant Professor
Chem/Petroleum Engineering
Rosi, Nathaniel
Professor of Chemistry
Distinguished Faculty - Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences
Rossi, Ethan
Assistant Professor
Ophthalmology, Bioengineering Department