headshot of Joaquin Rodriguez

Joaquin Rodriguez

Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Chem/Petroleum Engineering


B.S. in Chemical Engineering (Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela, 1983)
M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering (University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, US, 1990)
Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering (University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, UA, 1992)
PI on Thermal Cracking to upgrade heavy oil residues (Petroleos de Venezuela, INTEVEP, Venezuela, 1983-95)
Business Leader on Special Oil Products (Petroleos de Venezuela, INTEVEP, Venezuela, 1995-99)
Founding member of Universidad Monteavila (Caracas, Venezuela, 1999)
Faculty at Universidad Monteavila (Caracas, Venezuela, 1999-2018)
Chancellor of Universidad Monteavila (Caracas, Venezuela, 2005-15)
President of High Studies Center at Universidad Monteavila (Caracas, Venezuela, 2015-2018)
Assistant Professor at the Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Department (University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, US, 2018+)


(2023 - 2024) Pitt Sustainability Faculty Award.

(2022) Provost's Award for Diversity in the Curriculum (University of Pittsburgh).

(2022) The James Pommersheim Award. Excellence in Teaching..

(2020) Swanson School of Engineering 2020 Hispanic Heritage Month Award.

PhD, Chemical Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, 1987 - 1992

M.Sc., Chemical Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, 1987 - 1989

B.S., Chemical Engineering, Universidad Simon Bolivar, 1977 - 1983

Guedez, E., Carrazza, J., Di Marco, M.P., Garcia, W., Hernandez, F., Marino, M., Martinez, N., Ramirez, M., Rodriguez Alonso, J., & Solari, B. (1998). Technology Transference: Art more than Science. INTEVEP S.A.

Ranson, A., & Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1998). Neural networks as a new approach to perform on-line SHRP measurements is proposed. INTEVEP S.A.

Cabello, C., Rodriguez Alonso, J., & Bruces, J. (1997). Proposals for the assessment of carcinogenic potential on Lube Base-stocks. INTEVEP S.A.

Gabay, J., Rodriguez, Y., & Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1997). Potential use of Bajo Grande Refinery Oils for Oil Drilling Slurries.

Rosales, J.L., & Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1997). SHRP Grading of Bajo Grande Refinery Laboratory.

Mejias, L., & Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1996). Technical Assistance to Bajo Grande Refinery (Maraven) Unit 2 (Asphalt) with the consulting of Nynas.

Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1996). Asphalt Technology Monitoring Report (1Q 1996).

Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1996). ASTM June 1996 Meeting (D-04 Road and Paving Materials, D-08 Roofing, Waterproofing and Bituminous Materials).

Rodriguez Alonso, J., & Carbognani, L. (1996). Asphalt Technology Transference Meeting 1996-1.

Rodriguez Alonso, J., & Salas, R. (1996). Asphalt Business Technology Strategy Review.

Rodriguez Alonso, J., Parra, I., & Rosales, J.L. (1996). Prediction of SHRP Grade in a Refinery from Operational Variables and Customary Quality Tests.

Rodriguez Alonso, J., Rosales, J.L., & Aponte, G. (1996). Support to Specialties Business Concept.

Rodriguez Alonso, J., Rosales, J.L., Melean, G., Diaz, O., & Romero, E. (1996). Preliminary evaluation for Asphalt Potential from Zuata crude.

Rodriguez, Y., Rosales, J.L., & Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1996). Asphalt Technology Transfer Meetings 96-II (Polymer modified asphalt).

Rosales, J.L., & Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1996). SHRP Binder Laboratory for Refineria Isla.

Rosales, J.L., Villalobos, J., & Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1996). SHRP Characterization of selected Citgo-Asphalt Binders.

Rosales, J.L., Villalobos, J., Martinez, C., & Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1996). Evaluation of Amuay Asphalt Products.

Ali, V., Acuna, C., & Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1995). Use of Additives for increasing distillates yields. Pilot plant results (1994).

De Oteyza, M., & Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1995). Prefeasibility study: Asphalt Grant Program for the National Road System.

De Oteyza, M., Rangel, A., Rodriguez Alonso, J., Fernandez, E., & Zavarse, T. (1995). Asphalt Cluster 1995 Start-up report.

Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1995). Road and Paving Materials (ASTM D-04 Committee) and Roofing, Waterproofing and Bituminous Materials (ASTM D-08 Committee): December 1995.

Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1995). Road and Paving Materials (ASTM D-04 Committee) and Roofing, Waterproofing and Bituminous Materials (ASTM D-08 Committee): June 1995.

Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1995). Road and Paving Materials (ASTM D-04 Committee) and Roofing, Waterproofing and Bituminous Materials (ASTM D-08 Committee): December 1994.

Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1995). Report on Bituen Technology Transfer Meetings Nynas-Intevep (August 1995).

Rodriguez Alonso, J., & Rosales, J.L. (1995). Report on Bitumen Technology Transfer Meetings Nynas-Intevep (March 1995).

Rodriguez Alonso, J., Guerrero, J., & Ali, V. (1995). Delayed coking pilot plant tests of Hamaca Vacuum Residue and a Mixture with HDH® Hot Separator Bottom.

Rodriguez Alonso, J., Melean, G., Villalobos, J., Chang, R., Martin, P., & Martinez, C. (1995). Characterization of Boscan Asphalt from Capacity testing of Maraven Bajo Grande Refinery (April 1995).

Rodriguez Alonso, J., Rosales, J.L., & Garcia, J. (1995). Report on Bituen Technology Transfer Meetings Nynas-Intevep (February 1995).

Rodriguez Alonso, J., Rosales, J.L., Krasuk, J., Carbognani, L., Leon, V., & Becker, Y. (1995). Report on Nynas-Intevep Bitumen Technology Transfer Meetings (November 1995).

Rosales, J.L., Chang, R., Villalobos, J., & Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1995). Evaluation of Asphalt potential from Merey-16 oil residue.

Rosales, J.L., Chang, R., Villalobos, J., Martinez, C., & Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1995). Evaluation of Asphalt potential from Lagotreco crude oil.

Rosales, J.L., Melean, G., Chang, R., Villalobos, J., & Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1995). Evaluation of Asphalt potential from Laguna-Lagunillas Blend (82/18 volume).

Rosales, J.L., Melean, G., Rodriguez Alonso, J., & Villalobos, J. (1995). Up-date characterization (1995) of CITGO Asphalts from Paulsboro and Savannah Refineries.

Rosales, J.L., Rodriguez Alonso, J., Martinez, C., & Villalobos, J. (1995). SHRP Premium Asphalts by Chemical Transformation (Advance Report).

Rosales, J.L., Villalobos, J., Rodriguez Alonso, J., & Ramos, A. (1995). Characterization of Asphalt Emulsion for Paving.

Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1994). Effect of crude properties upon coking distillate qualities.

Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1994). Evaluation of the potential use of a certain vacuum reside as delayed coking feedstock for the production of anode grade coke.

Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1994). Preliminary revision of "Oil Field Visbreaking" (Replicant NV).

Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1994). Use of additives for increasing distillate yields: Vol. 1 Literature review on the use of additives for delayed coking process.

Rodriguez Alonso, J., Garces, C., Salazar, R., & David, R. (1994). Use of additives for increasing distillate yields: Vol. 2 Laboratory results (1993).

Rodriguez Alonso, J., Hidalgo, R., Davalillo, L., Salazar, E., & Aponte, G. (1994). Technology Intelligence: Thermal Conversion Cluster, 1994 Start-up report.

Rodriguez Alonso, J., Huber, M., & Specht, M.I. (1994). Laboratory results on pressure and asphaltenes content effects on delayed coking product yields.

Rodriguez Alonso, J., Puyana, A., Garcia, J., & Pena, A. (1994). Integration of Delayed Coking and HDH® Upgrading Modules.

RODRIGUEZ, J., TIERNEY, J.W., & WENDER, I. (1994). EVALUATION OF A DELAYED COKING PROCESS BY H-1 AND C-13 NMR-SPECTROSCOPY .1. MATERIAL BALANCES. FUEL, 73(12), 1863-1869.Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/0016-2361(94)90213-5.


Velasco, L., & Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1993). Prediction of coke formation at heaters of storage tanks at Maraven S.A. Production Operation Division.

Rodriguez Alonso, J., Tierney, J., & Wender, I. (1992). Carbon fiber production from Venezuelan oil residues. 3rd Quarterly Report.

Rodriguez Alonso, J., & Acuna, C. (1991). Technical feasibility evaluation for needle coke production from Venezuelan oil residues.

Rodriguez Alonso, J., Tierney, J., & Wender, I. (1991). Carbon fiber production from Venezuelan oil residues. 2nd Quarterly Report.

Rodriguez Alonso, J., Tierney, J., & Wender, I. (1991). Carbon fiber production from Venezuelan oil residues. 1st Quarterly Report.

Rodriguez Alonso, J., Tierney, J., & Wender, I. (1991). . Evaluation of the carbonization of Venezuelan oil residues by polarized light microscopy. Part II: Extraction and distillate fractions.

Rodriguez Alonso, J., Tierney, J., & Wender, I. (1991). Evaluation of the carbonization of Venezuelan oil residues by polarized light microscopy. Part I: Feedstocks.

Rodriguez Alonso, J., & Bludis, J. (1990). Needle coke production from Venezuelan oil residues. Volume 1. Delayed coking pilot plant.

Rodriguez Alonso, J., Tierney, J., & Wender, I. (1990). Needle coke production from Venezuelan oil residues. Volume 4. Delayed coking liquid products characterization by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.

Rodriguez Alonso, J., Tierney, J., & Wender, I. (1990). Needle coke production from Venezuelan oil residues. Volume 3. Feedstocks characterization by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.

Rodriguez Alonso, J., Tierney, J., & Wender, I. (1990). Needle coke production from Venezuelan oil residues. Volume 2. General bibliographic review.


Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1987). Basic engineering of Amuay Delayed Coking Unit.

Rodriguez, D., Gomez, C., & Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1987). Utilization of Flexicoke. Directional study to select Vanadium recovery technology.

Rodriguez Alonso, J., Palomo, J., Isea, E., Marin, C., Bohorquez, G., & Mogollon, A. (1986). Design and construction of a delayed coking pilot plant with a capacity of 3 kg (coke).

Cuevas, M., Huskey, D., Ramirez, D., & Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1985). Visbreaking process simulation (model).

Cuevas, M., Peluso, E., Huskey, D., & Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1985). Evaluation of Visbreaking of Vacuum Residue at El Palito Refinery (Corpoven, Venezuela). Phase II.

Rodriguez Alonso, J., Velasquez, M., Hidalgo, R., Rodriguez, D., & Velasco, L. (1985). Feasibility study for Vanadium production from Amuay Flexicoke.

Aquino, L., Granado, A., & Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1984). Deep deasphalting process with solid asphaltenes separation: Selection and testing of process equipment.

Cuevas, M., Huskey, D., Rodriguez Alonso, J., & Peluso, E. (1984). Compatibility of Mesa Visbreaking Residue at El Palito Refinery (Corpoven, Venezuela).

Cuevas, M., Huskey, D., Rodriguez Alonso, J., & Peluso, E. (1984). Evaluation of Visbreaking of Vacuum Residue at El Palito Refinery (Corpoven, Venezuela).

Kizer, O., & Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1984). Fluid catalytic cracking process correlations.

Velasco, L., Schemel, R., & Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1984). Delayed coking of Venezuelan crudes. Coke studies.

Cotte, E., Velasco, L., Hidalgo, R., Alvarez, N., & Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1983). Design, construction and start-up of a Delayed Coking pilot plant (MIC-880).

Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1983). Training report on Delayed Coking unit at Gelsenkirchen Refinery (Ruhr Oel, Germany).

Velasco, L., Hidalgo, R., & Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1983). Training report on Delayed Coking (USA).

Velasco, L., Hidalgo, R., & Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1983). Technical revision of design, start-up and operation of Amuay Flexicoking unit.

Rodriguez Alonso, J. Needle coke and carbon fibers production from Venezuelan oil residues.

Rodriguez Alonso, J. Needle coke production from Venezuelan oil residues.

Rodriguez Alonso, J. Evaluation of Delayed Coking process in a pilot plant.

Rodriguez Alonso, J. Asphalt Technology Transference Meeting 96-III (Asphalt Fumes).

Rodriguez, J. (2024). An elective course in Green Chemical Engineering and Sustainability. In 2024 ASEE North Central Section Conference Proceedings.ASEE Conferences. doi: 10.18260/1-2--45596.

Rodriguez, J. (2024). Board 23: Add a Real Experience on Process Control Lab to your Students … for Free!. In 2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings.ASEE Conferences. doi: 10.18260/1-2--46799.

Rodriguez, J. (2024). Alumni Engagement and Mentoring Integrated in the Chemical Engineering Curriculum. In 2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings.ASEE Conferences. doi: 10.18260/1-2--46541.

Bayles, T., Rodriguez, J., & Enick, R. (2023). The Incorporation of Safety throughout the Core Curriculum. In 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings.ASEE Conferences. doi: 10.18260/1-2--44466.

Bayles, T., Rodriguez, J., & Enick, R. (2023). Board 30: Incorporating the Impact of Engineering Solutions in Global, Economic, Environmental, and Social Contexts into our Core Curriculum. In 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings.ASEE Conferences. doi: 10.18260/1-2--42829.

Rodriguez, J., & Enick, R. (2023). Chemical Engineering Capstone Course Improved for Broader Impacts. In 2023 ASEE North Central Section Conference Proceedings.ASEE Conferences. doi: 10.18260/1-2--44905.

Rodriguez, J., Baled, H., & McMahon, M. (2023). Team Building Games to Reinforce the Training of Chemical Engineering Students in Team Skills Based on Collaboration Leadership. In 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings.ASEE Conferences. doi: 10.18260/1-2--44021.

Rodriguez, J., Dukes, A., Keith, J., & Sanchez, D. (2023). Diversity Index: A New Perspective on Engineering Capstone Projects. In 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings.ASEE Conferences. doi: 10.18260/1-2--43188.

Rodriguez, J., Shannon, S., McMahon, M., & Baled, H. (2023). Process Control Laboratory Projects: Technical Training, Team Development, and Global Collaboration. In 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings.ASEE Conferences. doi: 10.18260/1-2--43965.

Rodriguez Alonso, J. (2022). Outreach Projects: Towards a Structured Curricular Activity for Chemical Engineering Students. In ASEE 2022 Annual Conference.Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Rodriguez Alonso, J., & Sanchez, D. (2022). Gobal Projects: An Initiative to Train Chemical Engineering Students in Global Awareness. In ASEE 2022 Annual Conference.Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Rodriguez, J., Dukes, A., & Keith, J. (2022). A Diversity Index to assess college engineering team performance. In 2022 ASEE - North Central Section Conference Proceedings.ASEE Conferences.Pittsburgh, PA. doi: 10.18260/1-2--39225.

Rodriguez Alonso, J., & Solari, B. (1993). Deep conversion: state of the art. In PDVSA Deep Conversion Workshop.Corpus Christi, TX.

Rodriguez Alonso, J., Tierney, J.W., & Wender, I. (1993). Evaluation by both 1H and 13C NMR data of feedstocks and products in carbonization processes. In 21st Biennial Conference on Carbon.Buffalo, NY.

Rodriguez Alonso, J., Tierney, J.W., & Wender, I. (1993). Evaluation by 1H and 13C NMR of effects of feedstocks and operating conditions on chemical changes during carbonization processes. In 21st Biennial Conference on Carbon..Buffalo, NY.

Rodriguez Alonso, J., Acuna, C., Guerrero, G., & Velasco, L. (1992). Predicting petroleum coke quality from feedstock properties. In 203rd ACS Meeting. Division of Fuel Chemistry..San Francisco, CA. April 5-10, 1992. Preprints, 601-7.

Rodriguez Alonso, J., Tierney, J., & Wender, I. (1991). In situ evaluation of the carbonization behavior of graphitizable carbon precursors. 202nd ACS Meeting. Division of Fuel Chemistry. In 202nd ACS Meeting. Division of Fuel Chemistry, (pp. 1081-1087).New York, NY.

Rodriguez, J., Tiernev, J.W., & Wender, I. (1991). Exploring the route from petroleum residues to graphitizable carbons. In Extended Abstracts and Program - Biennial Conference on Carbon, (pp. 122-123).

Rodriguez, J., Tierney, J.W., & Wender, I. (1991). Effect of mixing needle coke feedstocks with lower grade residues. In Extended Abstracts and Program - Biennial Conference on Carbon, (pp. 192-193).

Rodriguez, J., Tierney, J.W., & Wender, I. (1991). Characterization of delayed coking feedstocks and products by H and C NMR. In Extended Abstracts and Program - Biennial Conference on Carbon, (pp. 176-177).

Rodriguez, J., Tierney, J.W., & Wender, I. (1991). Classification of delayed coking feedstocks for anode and needle coke. In Extended Abstracts and Program - Biennial Conference on Carbon, (pp. 190-191).

Rodriguez, J., Tierney, J.W., & Wender, I. (1991). In situ evaluation of the carbonization behavior of FCC Decanted Oils. In Extended Abstracts and Program - Biennial Conference on Carbon, (pp. 194-195).


Calderon, J.L., Rodriguez P, D., Velasco, L., & Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1987). Heavy oil coke utilization. In XII World Petroleum Congress, (pp. 109-119).Houston, TX.

Rodriguez Alonso, J., Calderon, J.L., Rodriguez, D., & Velasco, L. (1987). Delayed coking of heavy crudes. In IV Venezuelan Congress of Chemical Engineering.Caracas, Venezuela.

Rodriguez, D., Gonez, C., & Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1987). Alternative routes for Vanadium recovery from flexicoke. In IV Venezuelan Congress of Chemical Engineering.Caracas, Venezuela.

Rodriguez, D., & Rodriguez Alonso, J. (1986). Use of Flexicoke for Vanadium production. In II Seminar on Solid Residues Utilization. ASOVIR.Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela.

Rodriguez Alonso, J., Hidalgo, R., Velasco, L., & Garcia, W. (1989). Process for making anode grade coke. US4795548A.