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Pacella, John
Medicine, Bioengineering Department
Panigrahy, Ashok
Radiology, Bioengineering Department, Developmental Biology
Parker, Bob
Professor, Associate Dean for Graduate Education
Engr-Dept Chairperson's Office, Bioengineering Department
Parthasarathy, Aravind
Assistant Professor
Commu Science & Disorders, Bioengineering Department
Patel, Ravi
Assistant Professor
Radiation Oncology
Patzer, Jack
Associate Professor
Bioengineering Department
Phillippi, Julie
Associate Professor
Cardiothoracic Surgery
Phillips, Mary
Distinguished Professor
Psychiatry, Bioengineering Department, Clinical and Translational Science Institute
Pi, Shaohua
Assistant Professor
Ophthalmology, Bioengineering Department
Piccone, Thomas
Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science
Pinkus, Rosa
Adjunct Professor
Bioengineering Department
Pinsky, Michael
Critical Care Medicine, Clinical and Translational Science Institute