News and Awards

ORL Summer Picnic 2024

Japanese Traveling Fellows visit ORL

SB3C 2024

Dr. Fujie visits ORL 2024

Dr. Debski and Luke's Japan trip 2024

ORS Dinner 2024

Luke NIRA Award Winner 2024

ORL Christmas Party 2023

ORL Summer Picnic 2023

Luke Graduation 2023

ORS Dallas TX 2023

ORL Christmas Party at Dr. Musahl's House 2022


Luke got Married! 2022

Dr. Debski's Trip to Japan 2022

ORL Summer Picnic 2022

SB3C 2022

ORS 2022

Unveil Dr. Fu's Statue 2022

First in-person Meeting since COVID 2021

Satoshi Yamakawa's Goodbye Celebration 2020

Halloween Pumpkin Carving Party 2019

SB3C 2019 - Seven Springs, PA

Christmas Glühwein Celebration 2018

ORL Master Chef Competition 2018

Halloween Pumpkin Carving Party 2018

Halloween Pumpkin Carving Party 2017

SB3C Annual Meeting 2017 - Phoenix, AZ

ORS Annual Meeting 2017 - San Diego, CA

Halloween 2016

SB3C 2016 - National Harbor, MD

ORS Annual Meeting 2016 - Orlando, FL

SB3C 2015 - Snowbird, UT

ORS Annual Meeting 2015 - Las Vegas, NV

Dinner at Carmine's with the Orthopaedic Biodynamics Laboratory

ORS Annual Meeting 2014 - New Orleans, LA

Dr. Fu - 2014 Kappa Delta Award

Dinner with Fujie lab members

Lab Action Shots

PhD completion- Congratulations to Dr. Gerald Ferrer PhD


Dr. Musahl gives his inaugural lecture as the Blue Cross of Western Pennsylvania Professor

 Musahl Lecture ORL

Dr. Debski along with Drs. Vande Geest and Dr. Davidson at the AIMBE New Fellows Induction Ceremony in Washington, D.C

Debski AIMBE

Dr. Ryosuke Kuroda visits the ORL


The Third Annual ORL Symposium was held on July 23, 2017, where the summer undergraduate students presented their work. The summer picnic was held afterwards in Schenley Park.  The students work can be found here: 2017 Summer Abstract Booklet

Ryan Black, Gerald Ferrer, Stephen Canton, John Fowler, Volker Musahl, Richard Debski - Comparison of Screw Quantity and Placement of Metacarpal Fracture Fixation: A Biomechanical Study

Catherine Smith, Gerald Ferrer, Ben Rothrauff, Volker Musahl, Richard Debski - Biomaterial Repair of the Rat Supraspinatus Tendon Enthesis 

Benjamin Roadarmel, Tetsuya Takenaga, Masahito Yoshida, Calvin Chan, Volker Musahl, Albert Lin, Richard Debski - Orientation of Non-Recoverable Strain in the Glenohumeral Capsule Does Not Change Following Multiple Dislocation

James Gorenflo, Volker Musahl, John Fowler, AJ Blackburn, Robert Kaufmann, Richard Debski - Design of an Elbow Testing Apparatus to Simulate Flexion in Varying Degrees of Shoulder Abduction 

Joseph Greaves, Calvin Chan, Volker Musahl, Richard Debski - Development of a MATLAB Interface Using an Electromagnetic Tracking System for the Biomechanical Analysis of Tibiofemoral Kinematics 

Summer Symposium 2017

PhD completions- Congratulations to Dr. R Matthew Miller PhD and Dr. Jonathan Adam Gustafson PhD

Pitt panther statue and the team

Dr. Freddie H Fu Visiting Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery Roland Becker, MD visits the ORL November 2015


Second ORL Summer Picnic and Symposium: The second annual ORL Symposium was held on August 5th, 2015, where the summer undergraduate students presented their work. The summer picnic was held directly after at Schenley Park.

ORL symp 2015

Chris Como and Trenton Gilstrap - Restoration of STAR-IV Functionality

Audra Sawyer - Assessing the Learning Curve and Repeatability of PIVOT Software

Laura Bechard - Design of Customized Lower Leg Specimen Fixtures

Joe Takahashi - Using DMAS7 Camera System to Track Fibula Motion

Samik Patel - Optimal Screw for a Proximal Pole Scaphoid Fracture Based on Compression Forces

Stephanie Sexton - Surface Strain in the Anterolateral Capsule of the Knee

ORL symp 2015

Dr. Musahl and members of the ORL visit Cleveland Clinic - 7/22/2015

Dr. Musahl and members of the ORL visit Cleveland Clinic

Dr. Musahl featured in UPMC Medical Mondays 

International PIVOT Group visits ORL - 10/31/2014


First ORL Summer Picnic and Symposium: The first summer picnic for members of the ORL was held on July 17th, 2014. Summer undergraduate students presented their work at the first Orthopaedic Robotics Laboratory Undergraduate Research Symposium on July 22nd, 2014.

ORL symp 2014

Kyle Berkow; J. Gustafson; Dr. R. Debski; Dr. S. Farrokhi - Development and Validation of Finite Element Models for Knee Cadavers

Gerald Ferrer; M. Miller; Dr. R. Debski; Dr. V. Musahl - Measuring Surface Strain Using the DMAS7 Motion Tracking System on Ligaments and Tendons

Yaniv Michaeli; Dr. R Debski - Design and Assemble a Laser System for Determining Cross-Sectional Area of Soft Tissues

Stephanie Rigot; Dr. J. Fowler; Dr. R. Debski - Biomechanical Analysis of Internal Fixation Methods for DIP Arthrodesis

Ryan Moss; Dr. K. Bell - Computer Simulation of Multi-Segment Cervical Spine to Mimic In-Vivo Kinematics

Benjamin Engel; Dr. F. Arilla; Dr. R. Debksi; Dr. V. Musahl - Correlating PIVOT Software with EM System While Quantifying the Pivot Shift

Summer Picnic 2014

ORL Grand Opening: The Grand Opening of the Orthopaedic Robotics Laboratory was held on Wednesday, October 16, 2013 in the Center for Biotechnology and Bioengineering at the University of Pittsburgh. Over 40distinguished guests attended the ribbon cutting ceremony. Dr. Fu and Dr. Borovetz “officially” opened the lab by cutting the ribbon. The guests then enjoyed a tour that was highlighted by presentations on the new research capabilities and current research projects given by the research fellows and students. Highlights included the new robotic technology, patellar fracture project,materials testing of rotator cuff tear propagation, development of an iPad app to assess ACL function, and prevention of anterior knee pain.

ORL Grand Opening ORL Grand Opening ORL Grand Opening 3

New Robot: On September 11, 2013, the centerpiece of the new lab arrived from Japan – a custom designed robot to study the biomechanics of diarthrodial joints – and took three days to install.

First Lab Meeting: The first lab/research meeting of the Orthopaedic Robotics Laboratory occurred on May 24, 2013 in the third floor conference room in the Center for Bioengineering after the renovations of the lab space had been completed and the initial pieces of lab equipment moved into the space. Research fellows from Japan, Brazil, Germany, and Iran as well as Bioengineering graduate and undergraduate students participated in the meeting. The two major research projects in the lab (development of an iPad App to assess ACL function; physical therapy for rotator cuff injuries) were discussed.

First ORL Meeting

Sene Polamalu wins the 2018 Orthopaedic Research Society's Scientific Photo contest for his work on statistical shape modeling of the distal femur.Statistical shape modeling Polamalu

Gerald Ferrer wins the Department of Bioengineering Outstanding TA Award for 2016-17

TA Award crop

PIVOT software wins Pitt Innovation Challenge (PInCh) Award - University of Pittsburgh, November 2015


Gerald Ferrer wins National Science Foundation - Graduate Research Fellowship (2015)

Debski - Membership Grade: Fellow - American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012

Musahl -2012 KSSTA best paper award, third place, ESSKA 15th congress, Geneva,Switzerland

Musahl -2013 ISAKOS Scientific award, second place, ISAKOS 9th biannual congress, Toronto, Canada