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Huppert, Theodore
Research Associate Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hussey, George
Assistant Professor
Pathology, Bioengineering Department
Iannacchione, Anthony
Adjunct Lecturer, Associate Professor Emeritus
Civil & Environmental Engr
Ibrahim, Tamer
Bioengineering Department
Iezzi, Andrew
Chem/Petroleum Engineering
Insanally, Michele
Assistant Professor
Iordanova, Bistra
Assistant Professor
Bioengineering Department
Ishihara, Keisuke
Assistant Professor
Computational & Systems Biology, Bioengineering Department, Physics & Astronomy
Jacobs, Steven
Associate Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Jacobs, Tevis
Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science
Jia, Wenyan
Visiting Research Assistant Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Jiang, Daniel
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Industrial Engineering