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John Bosco, Arul Clement
Visiting Assistant Professor
Industrial Engineering
Johnson, Karl
Professor, W.K. Whiteford Professor, Center for Simulation and Modeling
Chem/Petroleum Engineering
Jordan, Kenneth
Distinguished Professor
Mellon Professorship, Chemistry
Kahrs, Mark
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Kalra, Arush
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Bioengineering Department
Kandler, Karl
Neurobiology, Bioengineering Department
Karim, Helmet
Assistant Professor
Karki, Dolendra
Visiting Research Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science
Kaufman, Brett
Associate Professor
Keith, John
Associate Professor, R.K. Mellon Faculty Fellow in Energy
Chem/Petroleum Engineering
Kellum, John
Distinguished Professor, Director
Critical Care Medicine, Clinical and Translational Science Institute, Medicine
Kerestes, Robert
Associate Professor, Director of Electrical Engineering Undergraduate Program
Electrical and Computer Engineering