Offered by the Swanson School of Engineering and the Graduate School of Public Health , University of Pittsburgh, the goal of this certificate program is to develop students with the specific competencies and analytical tools required for effective problem solving relevant to quality management and process engineering in the health care industry. These students will be prepared to serve as quality champions and change agents in addressing the challenges facing health care in the 21st Century Engineering student will gain knowledge of health care operations, the organization culture and strategic issues facing the industry. Health care management students will apply engineering principles, models and tools within a systems approach to analysis, problem-solving and project implementation.

This certificate is intended for individuals pursuing careers in health systems management and process engineering. Primarily designed for Master's degree students in the Department of Health Policy & Management and the Department of Industrial Engineering, this program will provide a rigorous and multi-disciplinary education as a complement to the core curriculum of both programs. With a focus on enhancing innovation, effectiveness and efficiency in health care and public health, the program's ultimate goal is to produce well-educated professionals and leaders in their disciplines.

The Industrial Engineering Department provides students with a unique opportunity to pursue certification in the Six Sigma discipline.  The Six Sigma methodology found its roots in the manufacturing sector as a way to effectively apply data to drive strategic organizational decisions.  Since that time, the successful implementation and application of Six Sigma methodologies has seen the application of these techniques expand to financial institutions, the service sector, hospital administration and many more.  

Students are provided the ability to achieve both a Green and a Black Belt Certification.  Both courses provide in depth training in the DMAIC process.  Students also explore the application of Change Management in Six Sigma projects and the relationship of Six Sigma and Lean techniques.  

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IE Graduate Programs