

Lee, Sangyeop
Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science
Li, Lei
Chem/Petroleum Engineering
Lin, Hang
Associate Professor, Assistant Professor
Orthopedic Surgery
Lin, Jeen-Shang
Associate Professor
Civil & Environmental Engr
Little, Steven
Distinguished Professor and Department Chair
Engr-Dept Chairperson's Office, Bioengineering Department, Clinical and Translational Science Institute
Liu, Qihan
Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science
Liu, Yang
Adjunct Professor, Professor
Medicine, Bioengineering Department
Lobo-Guerrero, Sebastian
Adjunct Lecturer
Civil & Environmental Engr
Maiti, Spandan
Associate Professor
Bioengineering Department, Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science
Marra, Kacey
Plastic Surgery Department, Bioengineering Department
McCarthy, Joe
Interim Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor and WK Whiteford Professor of Chemical Engineering
Office of the Provost and SVC
McKone, James
Associate Professor
Chem/Petroleum Engineering, Chemistry