

Mahboobin, Arash
Associate Professor, Associate Chair for Undergraduate Education
Bioengineering Department
Mukkamala, Ramakrishna
Bioengineering Department, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine
Redfern, Mark
Professor, Interim Department Chair of Bioengineering
Bioengineering Department, Otolaryngology, Clinical and Translational Science Institute
Shuman, Larry
Distinguished Service Professor of Industrial Engineering
Engr-Dean, Office of the
Taboas, Juan
Associate Professor
Oral and Craniofacial Sciences, Bioengineering Department, Clinical and Translational Science Institute
Vorp, David
Senior Associate Dean for Research & Facilities; John A. Swanson Professor of Bioengineering
Engr-Dept Chairperson's Office, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science, Clinical and Translational Science Institute
Weinbaum, Justin
Research Assistant Professor
Bioengineering Department, Pathology
Woo, Savio
Professor, Distinguished University Professor Emeritus
Bioengineering Department