• Ande Marini wins Runner-Up in 2024 University of Pittsburgh Three Minute Thesis Competition.
  • Katherine Kerr receives 2024 Women’s Vascular Summit Grant for her work on sex-based differences in AAA.
  • Pete Gueldner wins Runner-Up poster at the SB3C Student Paper Competition in 2024.


  • Pete Gueldner receives American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship.
  • Ande Marini wins Travel Award for 2023 Biennial Meeting from American Society for Matrix Biology.
  • Ande Marini receives National Institutes of Health Predoctoral Fellowship, August 2023.
  • Cyrus wins 1st Place poster at the SB3C Student Paper Competition for the Master's Level.
  • Isabelle Chickanosky wins 3rd Place at University of Pittsburgh Big Idea Center Big Idea Blitz.
  • Priyasha Itani is honored at the 2023 Women of Achievement Awards sponsored by the nonprofit Cribs for Kids.
  • Brittany Rodriguez and Amanda Pellegrino receive the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship.
  • Jason Lee receives University of Pittsburgh Honors College Brackenridge Fellowship for summer research.
  • Aakash Kottakota wins University of Pittsburgh SURI award.
  • Ande Marini is awarded the University of Pittsburgh's Graduate and Professional Student Government Leadership and Service Award.
  • Isabelle Chickanosky wins Merit Poster Award at the McGowan Annual Retreat.


  • Isabelle Chickanosky is awarded the University of Pittsburgh T-32 Cellular Approaches to Tissue Engineering and Regeneration fellowship.
  • Ande Marini receives American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship, December 2022.
  • Pete Gueldner wins University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering Department of Bioengineer Teaching Assistant of the Year.
  • Brittany Rodriguez and Amanda Pellegrino receive the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship.
  • Isabelle Chickanosky and Ande Marini are awarded University of Pittsburgh Berenfield Fellowship.
  • Ande Marini receives NIH-NHLBI Catalyze Early Career Scientist Award.
  • Emma Ahlgren receives University of Pittsburgh Honors College Brackenridge Fellowship for summer research.
  • Isabelle Chickanosky wins 2nd Place at Michael G. Wells Healthcare Entrepreneurship Competition for "EndoDx".
  • Ande Marini wins 3rd place poster award at the International Society of Applied Cardiovascular Biology 18th Biennial Meeting in Memphis, TN.


  • Pete Gueldner receives the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (03/01/2021).
  • Brittany Rodriguez and Kamali Charles each receive a T-32 Fellowship from the Cardiovascular Bioengineering Training Program (CBTP).
  • First year graduate students Kamali Charles, Isabelle Chickanosky, and Amanda Pellegrino are selected as a Pitt Bevier Awardees.
  • First year graduate student Kamali Charles is awarded a Pitt STRIVE Fellowship.
  • Jason Zheng selected as one of five Pitt undergraduates to attend the 2021 “ACC Meeting of the Minds Conference”, Online.


  • Ande Marini receives T-32 Fellowship from the Cardiovascular Bioengineering Training Program (CBTP).
  • First year graduate student Brittany Rodriguez is awarded a Pitt STRIVE Fellowship.
  • Jason Zheng selected as one of five Pitt undergraduates to attend the 2020 “ACC Meeting of the Minds Conference”, Chapel Hill, NC.
  • First year graduate students Pete Gueldner and Brittany Rodriguez are selected as a Pitt Bevier Awardees.


  • Dr. David Vorp selected as a Research Leadership Fellow (Cohort #3), Association of Public & Land Grant Universities (APLU) Council on Research.
  • Trevor Kickliter selected as one of six Pitt undergraduates to attend the 2019 “ACC Meetings of the Minds” Conference, Louisville, KY.
  • First year graduate student Ande Marini selected as a Pitt Bevier Fellow.


  • Dr. David Vorp is elected a fellow of the American Heart Association.


  • Dr. David Vorp and Tsamis co-authors on paper that received the journal Aging Cell’s Best Paper Prize for 2017, which is awarded annually by the Anatomical Society on the recommendation of the Editor-in-Chiefs as the most outstanding publication in Aging Cell in that year (Stearns-Reider KM, et al., “Aging of the Skeletal Muscle Extracellular Matrix Drives a Stem Cell Fibrogenic Conversion”, Aging Cell, 2017; 16(3):518-528. doi: 10.1111/acel.12578.).


  •  Madhavan Lakshmi Raghavan, PhD 1998, received the Department of Bioengineering 2014 Distinguished Alumni Award on March 27, 2014.
  • Dr. David Vorp is elected to the World Council of Biomechanics.


  • Jeffrey Krawiec (3rd year graduate student) was awarded the 2013 BMES Student Travel Grant! The travel grant, designed to help students with travel costs associated with the BMES Annual Meeting, provides a free BMES Student Member Registration to the meeting as well as a $400 check.
  • Ryan Koch, who just completed his undergraduate degree in April 2013, won first place in the BS-level ASME Bioengineering Division student paper competition at the Summer Bioengineering Conference in Sunriver, OR, June 2013.  Also, we congratulate Ryan as he just accepted a Research Engineer position at ALung, in Pittsburgh, in July 2013.
  • Jonathan Vande Geest, PhD 2005 received the 2013 Y. C. Fung Young Investigator Award from ASME. The Y.C. Fung Young Investigator Award was established to recognize young investigators who are committed to pursuing research in the field of Bioengineering and have demonstrated significant potential to make substantial contributions to the field of Bioengineering.
  • Dr. David Vorp received the 2013 Carnegie Science Award in the category of Life Sciences.


  • Dr. David Vorp received the 2012-2013 Swanson School of Engineering Board of Visitors Faculty Award.
  • Jeffrey Krawiec (2nd year graduate student) was awarded an AHA Fellowship, 7/1/2012-6/30/2014.
  • Kory Blose (2nd year graduate student) was selected for the T32-funded Cardiovascular Bioengineering Training Program, 2/1/2012-1/31/2013. http://www.cbtp.pitt.edu/ 
  • Alkiviadis Tsamis was awarded the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Fellowship for Advanced Researcher, No PA00P2_139684, 2/1/2012 – 1/31/2013.


  • Jeffrey Krawiec (1st year graduate student) was selected for the T32-funded Angiopathy Training Program, 7/1/2011-6/30/2012.
  • Dr. David Vorp received the Van C. Mow Medal from the ASME 2011, which is among the most prestigious engineering awards, recognizing major contributions to bioengineering. He was highlighted as a “Newsmaker” for this award in the Pittsburgh Tribune Review on 4/3/11.


  • Dr. David Vorp received the Pitt Innovator Award 2009 and 2010 (in recognition of innovation development efforts that have resulted in licenses to industry and start-up companies in the past year).


  • Timothy Maul, PhD 2007 was an invited speaker on behalf of all graduate and professional students at the 2007 Honor’s Convocation which celebrates the accomplishments of the University’s faculty and students
  • Timothy Maul, PhD 2007 was awarded the F31 Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Fellowship, “Influence of Mechanical Forces on Adult Progenitor Cells.”
  • Jonathan Vande Geest, PhD 2005 was awarded an NSF CAREER award for the development of a novel endovascular treatment of aneurysmal disease.


  • J. Scott VanEpps, MD/PhD (PhD 2007) was awarded the F31 Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Fellowship: “Coronary Arterial Dynamics and Atherogenesis”. He was nominated as an Outstanding Bioengineering TA/RA for 2006-2007


  • Mohammed El-Kurdi, PhD, 2008 won 3rd place in the 2004 MS Student Paper Competition of the Bioengineering Division, American Society of Mechanical Engineers.


  • Rachelle Prantil-Baun, PhD, 2007  won honorable mention in the 2003 MS Student Paper Competition of the Bioengineering Division, American Society of Mechanical Engineers.  She was awarded the F31 Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Fellowship:  “Biomechanics and Function of the Pathologic Urethra”.


  • Stephanie M. Kute, PhD, 2002 won honorable mention in the 2002 PhD Student Paper Competition of the Bioengineering Division, American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • Jonathan Vande Geest, PhD 2005 won 1st place in the 2002 MS Student Paper Competition of the Bioengineering Division, American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 


  • David H.-J. Wang, PhD, 2002. won 3rd place in the 2001 PhD Student Paper Competition of the Bioengineering Division, American Society of Mechanical Engineers.