October 7 – 9, 2024
Hosted By:

The Conference was founded in the early 1970s to address global shortages of energy. This year, we are switching gears to focus on the benefits of using clean energy and carbon management technologies to minimize the effects of climate change. Our faithful conference attendees, who have been successful in developing and using a fossil fuel-based economy over the years, are now focusing on mitigating the global temperature rise impacted by mankind’s reliance upon fossil fuels and the resultant greenhouse gas emissions. For example, the Conference is dealing with both the energy and non-energy uses of fossil fuels in conjunction with carbon management to meet the ambitious Net Zero emissions scenario by the year 2050. In this pathway, in addition to the main pillars of decarbonization, including energy efficiency & conservation, renewables, nuclear, low-emissions fuels, and carbon capture & storage technologies, there are cross-cutting enablers, such as innovation, international collaboration, and digitalization, which could accelerate progress by strengthening policy or providing more effective technological solutions.
(For more background information on the world’s energy system including energy supply & transportation, uses of energy, and managing demand & emissions, visit the International Energy Agency website https://www.iea.org/energy-system.)
Conference Theme: “Technology innovation and transition to cleaner energy” surrounding the continued utilization of primary energy resources coupled with carbon management to better enable and transition to the future clean energy market.
Abstract Requirements: An abstract template is available here: Abstract Template. Abstracts of potential papers may be submitted in all program topics. The abstract must include sufficient content and information for adequate evaluation by the Program Committee. The International Pittsburgh Coal Conference Program Committee reserves the right to accept, place on a waiting list, or reject any paper. Each abstract should include the following in WORD format:
- PROGRAM TOPIC (Please see the list above for your appropriate program topic)
- AUTHOR LISTING (Principal/Corresponding Author First)
- CONTACT INFORMATION FOR EACH AUTHOR (Please list each authors' valid mailing address, COUNTRY, telephone, fax, and e-mail addresses for each author)
Deadline for Submission: September 1, 2024
Abstract Submission: Please submit an abstract by email to ipcc@pitt.edu.
The Program Committee will inform the submitting author of the paper's status. All presenting authors must submit an Author Data Sheet.
Author Data Sheet Deadline: TBA
Author Data Sheet Submission: Please submit the Author Data Sheet by email to ipcc@pitt.edu.
Deadline: TBA
Submission: Completed Manuscripts are to be submitted by E-MAIL (preferred) to: ipcc@pitt.edu in *Unsecured/Unprotected PDF Format (preferred) or Microsoft Word. Please notify the conference secretary if you have changed your Title or Authors since the original abstract submission! There is NO page limitation for the manuscripts.
Manuscript Format:
We have partnered with Curran Associates, Inc. to have the conference proceedings indexed in SCOPUS (the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, scientific journals, books and conference proceedings) and have them available at various international scientific libraries. Manuscripts with clear sections containing the following items will be indexed in the conference proceedings on SCOPUS. Please take care to include these items in your manuscript.
****** If your manuscript contains multiple graphs, charts, or figures please submit your manuscript in PDF Format (must be UNSECURED/UNPROTECTED). The PCC will NOT be responsible for errors resulting from conversion to PDF.
Presentation Slides: A PDF of your slide presentation or poster presentation will be accepted as your "manuscript" should a written manuscript be difficult to produce. You may also submit both a written manuscript and a PDF of your presentation and both will be included in the proceedings. **NOTE: Presentation slides submitted as a manuscript will not be indexed in SCOPUS.
Requirements for Publishing in Conference Proceedings:
As is common practice for professional conferences, authors are required to register and pay the appropriate registration fees for the conference. Manuscripts and presentation materials will only be included if the author has met ALL of these requirements.
- Completed registration form
- Paid conference registration
Guidelines for Oral and Poster Presentations:
- Please refer to the link for the Presenter Instructions.
- Please note all manuscripts and presentations must be in English.
Questions & Contact
Nicole Drebsky, Conference Coordinator
International Pittsburgh Coal Conference
University of Pittsburgh
3700 O'Hara Street
940 Benedum Hall
Pittsburgh, PA 15261 USA
Phone: + 1-412-624-7440 (We are currently working remotely. Please leave a voice message and we will return your call.)
Email: ipcc@pitt.edu
Abstracts Due | September 1, 2023 |
Registration Due | TBA |
Author Data Sheets Due | TBA |
PowerPoints/Videos Due | TBA |
Payment Due | TBA |
Deadline to receive PCC hotel discount rate | TBA |
Preliminary Program | TBA |
International Pittsburgh Coal Conference | October 4 – 6, 2023 |
Manuscripts Due | TBA |