Lab Publications
Programming Manual of DUMKA_E: An Event-Based Traffic Signal Controller
EBC DUMKA_E stands as a cutting-edge virtual controller system meticulously designed to embody the principles of Event-Based Control (EBC). This innovative software solution offers a comprehensive suite of programming tools, empowering traffic signal professionals to craft and implement flexible and adaptive traffic signal control strategies. Under the stewardship of a team of seasoned professionals, EBC DUMKA_E epitomizes excellence in traffic signal control software, setting new standards for efficiency, flexibility, and performance in traffic management systems.
Development of the Event-Based Traffic Control Concept: Dr. Denis Sarazhinsky
Development of the DUMKA_E Software: Dr. Denis Sarazhinsky
Prototyping DUMKA_E Manual: Dr. Denis Sarazhinsky
Crafting DUMKA_E Manual: Taraneh Ardalan, Dr. Denis Sarazhinsky, Dr. Aleksandar Stevanovic
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