Smart Grid Interface Control Methodology Development for Integrated Energy Management
In partnership with Westinghouse, this project focused on the development of concepts for smart grid interface control strategies in order to coordinate base load nuclear power with various forms of renewable and traditional (fossil) energy resources related to future energy resource portfolios; and to improve the controllability and reliability of the grid while allowing real‐time bi‐directional information access from end‐users to producers to increase energy efficiency.
A two level control methodology and base algorithms were developed for Westinghouse's Smart Grid interfaces:
- "Smart Resource Control" of nuclear generation for load-following adjustment, balanced with stochastic renewable energy forms and energy storage regulation
- "Smart Distributed Grid Control" with interface algorithms tied to power system delivery and end-use
These objectives were achieved through the completion of three defined nuclear-related milestones:
- Categorization of stochastic issues with renewable resources and development of concepts for energy resource integration with the emerging constraints
- Development of advanced control methods for balanced integration of renewable and nuclear load-following power generation resources in real-time conditions
- Establishment of the base algorithms for bi-directional interfaces at generation and end-use levels and throughout the grid, allowing for real-time end-user access