EFML People
Jorge D. Abad, EFM Director
Assistant Professor
EFM Director
Phone: (412) 624-4399
Fax: (412) 624-0135
Office: 731 Benedum
My research group combines fundamental and applied research topics. Fundamental topics include:mechanics of sediment transport, high-resolution description of hydrodynamic and morphodynamics in subaerial and submarine meandering channels, dynamics of anabranching rivers, long-term prediction of river morphodynamics, development of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models for environmental flows, environmental hydrodynamics, and transport and mixing processes. Applied topics include: river restoration, bank protection using instream-structures, development of GIS-tools for river management, development of CFD models for hydraulic structures (e.g. dropshafts and fish-passage canoe-chutes). The EPEF research group seeks understanding of geophysical processes in laboratory-scale (theoretical, physical experiments, and numerical approaches) and field-scale (theoretical, numerical and field work).
Alejandro Mendoza
Office: 718 Benedum
Research Interest: CFD applied to free surface flows, High-Performance Computing Techniques, Rivers, Hydrology
Ph.D. Students
- Ronald Gutierrez
- Joe Gianvito
- Cesar Simon
- Sina Arjmand
- Christian Frias
- Raziul Mollah
Master's Students
- Kristin Dauer
- Ryan Huang
- David D. Good
Undergraduate Students
Former Members
- Ross Volkwein, BSCE '11 MSCE 12'
- Marianne Choi, BSCE '11, pursuing MSCE at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Greg Turko, Undergraduate
- Zach Rinker, Undergraduate
- Brad Harken, BSCE '11, MSCE at Berkeley
- Adam Sam, MSCE '10