The Office of Experiential Learning & Professional Engagement (ELPE) offers co-op and internship opportunities to undergraduate and graduate students for professional work, research, service, and global learning across the United States and the globe.   

ELPE  provides a variety of global experience opportunities—from short- to long-term—for students to grow their knowledge and develop as innovative and global next-generation engineering leaders. 
Global Co-ops and Internships are two of those opportunities! 

Quick Facts about Global Co-ops and Internships:  

  • Start and end dates correspond with university semesters.  
  • Global co-ops and internships are full time, paid positions. 
  • There is flexibility with both types of co-op schedules.  A combination of global and domestic placement rotations or all domestic/global placement rotations are possible.  Two co-op schedules include:  two full time work rotations (6 months each) OR three full time alternating work rotations (4 month each) for a total of 12 months of full time paid work by graduation. 
    • Six month co-op options:
      • Spring/Summer: January- June
      • Summer/Fall: July-December 
    • Four month co-op options:
      • alternate with academic semesters starting in January, May or September.
  • Internships typically are for summers only and must be a minimum of 12 weeks. ELPE can clarify your specific questions. 
  • Students will be provided international insurance through the University.  
  • Most placement opportunities will use English on the job site.  

Benefits of participating in a Global Co-op or Internship: 

  • Gain global work experience! 
  • Learn how engineering practices differ in various parts of the world 
  • Understand better international issues important to the engineering field  
  • Meet other talented engineers from other parts of the world 
  • Schedules can align with domestic six-month co-op rotations --or during summer for internships. 
  • Increase your network across the globe with colleagues who have a different cultural perspective. 
  • Experience a new culture and/or language.  

Ready to take the next step?   

Questions? reach out to:

Nora Dougherty
Global and Engineering Professional Development Consultant

Alicia Olalde
Director, SSOE Global Experiences and Engagement