The Office of Experiential Learning & Professional Engagement (ELPE)

provides co-op and internship opportunities to undergraduate and graduate students for professional work, research, service, and global learning across the United States and around the globe.  Whether you have an established co-op or internship program already in place or are just starting the process of hiring student talent, ELPE is a “one stop shop” to advertise your domestic or global co-op or internship opportunities.

Quick Facts about Global Co-ops and Internships:

  • Start and end dates correspond with university semesters. Co-ops and Internships are full time, paid positions.
  • There is some flexibility with both co-op schedules.  A combination of global and domestic placement rotations or all domestic/global placement rotations are possible.  Internships typically are for summers only and must be a minimum of 12 weeks. ELPE team members can answer your specific questions.
  • Assistance with housing is appreciated but not required. 
  • Students will be provided international insurance through the University. 

Benefits of hiring a Pitt Intern/Co-op student:

  • Access talented, ambitious, and entrepreneurial students who possess a career objective directly related to the job.
  • Both the two 6-month and the three 4-month co-op schedules enable our students to devote significant tiem to accomplish employer goals. 
  • Increase your business’ exposure to a valuable cohort of future professionals.
  • A cost-effective approach to hiring, training, and evaluating young talent, creating a future pipeline for tomorrow’s workforce.
  • An economical path to meet hiring needs.  No fringe benefits or recruitment costs. Co-op/intern students can be paid as temporary hourly employees.
  • Diversify your teams with students who have a different cultural perspective. Our students bring a wealth of multicultural experiences to contribute creative workplace solutions. 
  • Form a lasting partnership between your organization and the University of Pittsburgh.

Co-op Calendar Options

Two full-time work rotations (6 months each)
OR three full-time alternating work rotations
(4 months each) for a total of 12 months of
full-time work by graduation.

Six-month options:
Spring/Summer: January -June
Summer/Fall: July-December
Four-month options:
Alternate with academic semesters
Starting in January, May or September

Internship Options

Minimum of 12 weeks – typically in summer

Learn more about partnering with the Co-op and Internship Division of ELPE.  

Ready to take the next step?

Questions? Please reach out to:

Nora Dougherty Global and Engineering Professional Development Consultant,   

Alicia Olalde, Director, SSOE Global Experiences and Engagement,

or fill out the empoyer survey at