For Students

The Swanson School delivers a broad and deep set of services to our students every day. A list of the Swanson School's resources & services for students are collected below.

Resources and Services

Software is at the heart of the technology experience for students in their time at Swanson, playing a varying role in everything they do here. The SSoE Technology Group delivers these resources to our students to ensure they are equipped with all of the tools necessary to take on the rigorous Swanson School curriculum.

The Swanson School has 27 advanced technology classrooms spread across Benedum Hall. Students in every department will take multiple classes in these rooms throughout their academic experience here at Swanson. The rooms are specifically designed to promote teamwork and collaboration amongst students and stimulate faculty-student interaction. Equipped with bleeding edge technology in instructor controls, audio visual systems and engineering software, these computing classrooms serve as a enormous asset to students throughout their time at Swanson.

An empty classroom

The Swanson School uses FourWinds ® digital signage software to display announcements across Benedum Hall, the MCSI Annex, Gardner Steel Conference Center, and the Center for Bioengineering. FourWinds ® is the University of Pittsburgh enterprise digital signage package, enabling students to promote events, meetings, and other important information all across campus. Please contact Paul Kovach for more information.

The Swanson School's Office of Marketing and Communications manages some student organization web sites inside the School's main site. To learn more about student organization templates and advantages to housing the site inside the School's Ektron CMS, please contact Paul Kovach .

Swanson School students and student organizations have access to the Pitt's Microsoft SharePoint presences. Delivering document storage, version control, calendaring, announcements, discussion forums and other features, SharePoint is a great tool for formal groups or informal information sharing and academic or research project collaboration. To learn more, please visit CSSD's My SharePoint Sites.

Swanson students have additional computing and printing resources available to them in Benedum Hall at the Basement Level CSSD Computing Lab, Room B06 . Students also have numerous services available to them through CSSD. We encourage you to visit the links below for more information.

CSSD Services

Student Self Service Printing Locations