To help you start the semester off on the right foot the Swanson School of Engineering has planned a Transfer Orientation as part of the New Engineering Student Orientation program.

Engineering Transfer Orientation - Fall 2024

Engineering Transfer Orientation will be Friday, August, 23rd.

Newly admitted transfer students should check their Pitt email as the semester approaches for more details.

Engineering orientation is just one part of Pitt's Welcome Week activities host by the Office of Student Affairs

Orientation will be held at the beginning of the semester for students transferring into the Swanson School of Engineering. 

***Attendance to New Engineering Student Orientation is mandatory for all transfer students***

Orientation is a great time to meet other incoming transfer students, network with your Transfer Peer Mentor and learn the ins and outs of the Swanson School of Engineering. Orientation is mandatory for all incoming transfer students to the Swanson School of Engineering. Please contact the Transfer Student Services office at