

Granite, Evan
Adjunct Research Professor
Chem/Petroleum Engineering
Griesheimer, David
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science
Gronenborn, Angela
Distinguished Professor
Structural Biology, Chemistry
Holder, Gerald
Dean Emeritus
Office of the Provost and SVC, Chem
Hornbostel, Katherine
Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science
Hu, Jingtong
Associate Professor, William Kepler Whiteford Faculty Fellow
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Iannacchione, Anthony
Adjunct Lecturer, Associate Professor Emeritus
Civil & Environmental Engr
Jacobs, Tevis
Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science
Johnson, Karl
Professor, W.K. Whiteford Professor, Center for Simulation and Modeling
Chem/Petroleum Engineering
Jordan, Kenneth
Distinguished Professor
Mellon Professorship, Chemistry
Kaufman, Brett
Associate Professor
Keith, John
Associate Professor, R.K. Mellon Faculty Fellow in Energy
Chem/Petroleum Engineering