
Harris, Zachary
Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science
Haser, David
Adjunct Lecturer
Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science
Helling, David
Adjunct Lecturer
Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science
Herman, James
Assistant Professor
Hinder, Oliver
Assistant Professor
Industrial Engineering
Hirschman, Alan
Bioengineering Department
Hoelzeman, Ronald
Associate Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hogan, MaCalus
UCR Visiting Professor
Orthopedic Surgery, KGSB-Business Admin, Bioengineering Department
Holder, Gerald
Dean Emeritus
Office of the Provost and SVC, Chem
Hornbostel, Katherine
Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science
Hu, Jingtong
Associate Professor, William Kepler Whiteford Faculty Fellow
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hung, Tin-Kan
Bioengineering Department