
Vande Geest, Jonathan
Professor, Professor and Director of PhD Admissions
Bioengineering Department, Ophthalmology
Vandenbossche, Julie
Professor, Associate Chair of Research
Civil & Environmental Engr
Vazquez, Alberto
Associate Professor
Radiology, Bioengineering Department
Velankar, Sachin
Chem/Petroleum Engineering, Bioengineering Department
Velikokhatnyi, Oleg
Research Assistant Professor
Bioengineering Department
Veser, Goetz
Chem/Petroleum Engineering
Viator, John
Adjunct Professor
Bioengineering Department
Vidic, Natasa
Associate Professor
Industrial Engineering
Vidic, Radisav
Nickolas A. DeCecco Professor and Chair
Engr-Dept Chairperson's Office
Vipperman, Jeffrey
Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science, Bioengineering Department
Vodovotz, Yoram
Surgery, Bioengineering Department, Immunology, Clinical and Translational Science Institute
Vogt, Keith
Associate Professor
Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, Bioengineering Department