headshot of Kurt Beschorner

Kurt Beschorner

Associate Professor
Graduate Program Director
Bioengineering Department


Kurt Beschorner uses technical competency areas in biomechanics, tribology, understanding of human movement, and ergonomics to understand and prevent falling accidents. His research has identified the link between shoe, floor, and ladder design and fall risk.


PhD, Bioengineering, University of Pittsburgh, 2004 - 2008

BS, Mechanical Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, 2000 - 2004

Beschorner, K.E., Nasarwanji, M., Deschler, C., & Hemler, S.L. (2024). Prospective validity assessment of a friction prediction model based on tread outsole features of slip-resistant shoes. Appl Ergon, 114, 104110.Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2023.104110.

Chadha, V., Miller, N.C., Ding, R., Beschorner, K.E., & Jacobs, T.D.B. (2024). Evaluating scanning electron microscopy for the measurement of small-scale topography. Surf Topogr, 12(3), 035010.IOP Publishing. doi: 10.1088/2051-672x/ad49b9.

Pliner, E.M., Beschorner, K.E., & Seo, N.J. (2024). Strategies to Reduce Fall Severity after a Perturbation during Ladder Climbing. IISE Trans Occup Ergon Hum Factors, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), 1-9.Taylor & Francis. doi: 10.1080/24725838.2024.2420722.

Pliner, E.M., Sturnieks, D.L., Beschorner, K.E., Redfern, M.S., & Lord, S.R. (2024). Ladder Use Ability, Behavior and Exposure by Age and Gender. Geriatrics (Basel), 9(3), 61.MDPI. doi: 10.3390/geriatrics9030061.

Randolph, A.B., Reifler, K., Chadha, V., Jacobs, T.D.B., & Beschorner, K.E. (2024). The need for better metrics for floor-tile topography: Conventional metrics correlate only modestly with shoe-floor friction. Tribol Int, 193, 109366.Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.triboint.2024.109366.

Williams, V.M., Griffin, S.C., Redfern, M.S., & Beschorner, K.E. (2024). Effects of extension ladder fly configuration on climbing safety. Appl Ergon, 121, 104371.Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2024.104371.

Beschorner, K., Ing, H., Chadha, V., Randolph, A., Reifler, K., & Jacobs, T. (2023). Shoe-floor friction is predicted by high-frequency material properties and small-scale floor topographical features. FOOTWEAR SCIENCE, 15(S1), S82-S83.Taylor & Francis. doi: 10.1080/19424280.2023.2199298.

Beschorner, K.E., & Randolph, A.B. (2023). Friction performance of resilient flooring under contaminant conditions relevant to healthcare settings. Appl Ergon, 108, 103960.Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2022.103960.

Beschorner, K.E., Chanda, A., Moyer, B.E., Reasinger, A., Griffin, S.C., & Johnston, I.M. (2023). Validating the ability of a portable shoe-floor friction testing device, NextSTEPS, to predict human slips. Appl Ergon, 106, 103854.Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2022.103854.

Deschler, C.L., Pliner, E.M., Sturnieks, D.L., Lord, S.R., & Beschorner, K.E. (2023). Correlations between reach, lean and ladder tipping risk. J Biomech, 150, 111508.Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2023.111508.

Griffin, S.C., Williams, V., Vidic, N., & Beschorner, K.E. (2023). During roof-to ladder transitions, walk-through extensions modify required friction direction. J Biomech, 159, 111780.Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2023.111780.

Hemler, S.L., & Beschorner, K.E. (2023). Validation of a portable shoe tread scanner to predict slip risk. J Safety Res, 86, 5-11.Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.jsr.2023.05.014.

Beschorner, K.E., Li, Y.S., Yamaguchi, T., Ells, W., & Bowman, R. (2022). The Future of Footwear Friction. In Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021). 223, (pp. 841-855).Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-74614-8_103.

Bharthi, R., Sukinik, J.R., Hemler, S.L., & Beschorner, K.E. (2022). Shoe Tread Wear Occurs Primarily during Early Stance and Precedes the Peak Required Coefficient of Friction. Footwear Sci, 14(3), 219-228.Taylor & Francis. doi: 10.1080/19424280.2022.2124319.

Griffin, S.C., Hemler, S.L., & Beschorner, K.E. (2022). Investigating the Influence of Spatiotemporal Gait Characteristics on Shoe Wear Rate. IISE Trans Occup Ergon Hum Factors, 10(1), 1-6.Taylor & Francis. doi: 10.1080/24725838.2021.2005184.

Hemler, S.L., Pliner, E.M., Redfern, M.S., Haight, J.M., & Beschorner, K.E. (2022). Effects of natural shoe wear on traction performance: a longitudinal study. Footwear Sci, 14(1), 1-12.Taylor & Francis. doi: 10.1080/19424280.2021.1994022.

Meehan, E.E., Vidic, N., & Beschorner, K.E. (2022). In contrast to slip-resistant shoes, fluid drainage capacity explains friction performance across shoes that are not slip-resistant. Appl Ergon, 100, 103663.Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2021.103663.

Williams, D.D., Beschorner, K.E., Sturnieks, D.L., Lord, S.R., & Pliner, E.M. (2022). Situational factors that influence overreaching on a ladder during a gutter clearing task among older adults. Appl Ergon, 104, 103794.Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2022.103794.

Beschorner, K.E., Meehan, E.E., Iraqi, A., & Hemler, S.L. (2021). Designing shoe tread for friction performance: a hierarchical approach. FOOTWEAR SCIENCE, 13(S1), S97-S99.Taylor & Francis. doi: 10.1080/19424280.2021.1917701.

Ding, R., Gujrati, A., Pendolino, M.M., Beschorner, K.E., & Jacobs, T.D.B. (2021). Going Beyond Traditional Roughness Metrics for Floor Tiles: Measuring Topography Down to the Nanoscale. TRIBOLOGY LETTERS, 69(3), 92.Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/s11249-021-01460-8.

Hemler, S., & Beschorner, K. (2021). Out of the box and into the workplace-the friction mechanics of worn shoes. FOOTWEAR SCIENCE, 13(S1), S67-S69.Taylor & Francis. doi: 10.1080/19424280.2021.1917685.

Hemler, S.L., Sider, J.R., Redfern, M.S., & Beschorner, K.E. (2021). Gait kinetics impact shoe tread wear rate. Gait Posture, 86, 157-161.Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2021.03.006.

Pliner, E.M., Sturnieks, D.L., Beschorner, K.E., Redfern, M.S., & Lord, S.R. (2021). Individual factors that influence task performance on a stepladder in older people. SAFETY SCIENCE, 136, 105152.Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.ssci.2020.105152.

Seneli, R.M., Beschorner, K.E., O'Connor, K.M., Keenan, K.G., Earl-Boehm, J.E., & Cobb, S.C. (2021). Foot joint coupling variability differences between habitual rearfoot and forefoot runners prior to and following an exhaustive run. J Electromyogr Kinesiol, 57, 102514.Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.jelekin.2021.102514.

Walter, P.J., Tushak, C.M., Hemler, S.L., & Beschorner, K.E. (2021). Effect of tread design and hardness on interfacial fluid force and friction in artificially worn shoes. FOOTWEAR SCIENCE, 13(3), 245-254.Taylor & Francis. doi: 10.1080/19424280.2021.1950214.

Beschorner, K.E., Iraqi, A., Redfern, M.S., Moyer, B.E., & Cham, R. (2020). Influence of averaging time-interval on shoe-floor-contaminant available coefficient of friction measurements. Appl Ergon, 82, 102959.Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2019.102959.

Beschorner, K.E., Siegel, J.L., Hemler, S.L., Sundaram, V.H., Chanda, A., Iraqi, A., Haight, J.M., & Redfern, M.S. (2020). An observational ergonomic tool for assessing the worn condition of slip-resistant shoes. Appl Ergon, 88, 103140.Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2020.103140.

Cook, A., Hemler, S., Sundaram, V., Chanda, A., & Beschorner, K. (2020). Differences in Friction Performance between New and Worn Shoes. IISE Trans Occup Ergon Hum Factors, 8(4), 209-214.Taylor & Francis. doi: 10.1080/24725838.2021.1925998.

Hemler, S.L., Charbonneau, D.N., & Beschorner, K.E. (2020). Predicting Hydrodynamic Conditions under Worn Shoes using the Tapered-Wedge Solution of Reynolds Equation. Tribol Int, 145, 106161.Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.triboint.2020.106161.

Hemler, S.L., Pliner, E.M., Redfern, M.S., Haight, J.M., & Beschorner, K.E. (2020). Traction performance across the life of slip-resistant footwear: Preliminary results from a longitudinal study. J Safety Res, 74, 219-225.Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.jsr.2020.06.005.

Iraqi, A., Vidic, N.S., Redfern, M.S., & Beschorner, K.E. (2020). Prediction of coefficient of friction based on footwear outsole features. Appl Ergon, 82, 102963.Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2019.102963.

Martin, E.R., Pliner, E.M., & Beschorner, K.E. (2020). Characterizing the shoe-rung friction requirements during ladder climbing. J Biomech, 99, 109507.Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2019.109507.

Nazifi, M.M., Beschorner, K., & Hur, P. (2020). Angular momentum regulation may dictate the slip severity in young adults. In Masani, K. (Ed.). PLoS One, 15(3), e0230019.Public Library of Science (PLoS). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0230019.

Pliner, E.M., Dukes, A.A., Beschorner, K.E., & Mahboobin, A. (2020). Effects of Student Interests on Engagement and Performance in Biomechanics. J Appl Biomech, 36(5), 360-367.Human Kinetics. doi: 10.1123/jab.2020-0029.

Pliner, E.M., Novak, A.C., & Beschorner, K.E. (2020). Hand-rung forces after a ladder climbing perturbation. J Biomech, 106, 109790.Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2020.109790.

Strayer, S.T., Moghaddam, S.R.M., Gusenoff, B., Gusenoff, J., & Beschorner, K.E. (2020). Contact Pressures Between the Rearfoot and a Novel Offloading Insole: Results From a Finite Element Analysis Study. J Appl Biomech, 36(5), 326-333.Human Kinetics. doi: 10.1123/jab.2019-0356.

Sundaram, V.H., Hemler, S.L., Chanda, A., Haight, J.M., Redfern, M.S., & Beschorner, K.E. (2020). Worn region size of shoe outsole impacts human slips: Testing a mechanistic model. J Biomech, 105, 109797.Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2020.109797.

Beschorner, K.E., Iraqi, A., Redfern, M.S., Cham, R., & Li, Y. (2019). Predicting slips based on the STM 603 whole-footwear tribometer under different coefficient of friction testing conditions. Ergonomics, 62(5), 668-681.Taylor & Francis. doi: 10.1080/00140139.2019.1567828.

Chanda, A., Reuter, A., & Beschorner, K.E. (2019). Vinyl Composite Tile Surrogate for Mechanical Slip Testing. IISE Trans Occup Ergon Hum Factors, 7(2), 132-141.Taylor & Francis. doi: 10.1080/24725838.2019.1637381.

Hemler, S.L., Charbonneau, D.N., Iraqi, A., Redfern, M.S., Haight, J.M., Moyer, B.E., & Beschorner, K.E. (2019). Changes in under-shoe traction and fluid drainage for progressively worn shoe tread. Appl Ergon, 80, 35-42.Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2019.04.014.

Moghaddam, S.R.M., Hemler, S.L., Redfern, M.S., Jacobs, T.D., & Beschorner, K.E. (2019). Computational Model of Shoe Wear Progression: Comparison with Experimental Results. Wear, 422-423, 235-241.Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.wear.2019.01.070.

Nazifi, M.M., Beschorner, K.E., & Hur, P. (2019). Do Walking Muscle Synergies Influence Propensity of Severe Slipping?. Front Hum Neurosci, 13, 383.Frontiers. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2019.00383.

Pliner, E.M., Seo, N.J., Ramakrishnan, V., & Beschorner, K.E. (2019). Effects of upper body strength, hand placement and foot placement on ladder fall severity. Gait Posture, 68, 23-29.Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2018.10.035.

Beschorner, K.E., Slota, G.P., Pliner, E.M., Spaho, E., & Seo, N.J. (2018). Effects of Gloves and Pulling Task on Achievable Downward Pull Forces on a Rung. Hum Factors, 60(2), 191-200.SAGE Publications. doi: 10.1177/0018720817742515.

Chanda, A., Jones, T.G., & Beschorner, K.E. (2018). Generalizability of Footwear Traction Performance across Flooring and Contaminant Conditions. IISE Trans Occup Ergon Hum Factors, 6(2), 98-108.Taylor & Francis. doi: 10.1080/24725838.2018.1517702.

Iraqi, A., Cham, R., Redfern, M.S., & Beschorner, K.E. (2018). Coefficient of friction testing parameters influence the prediction of human slips. Appl Ergon, 70, 118-126.Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2018.02.017.

Iraqi, A., Cham, R., Redfern, M.S., Vidic, N.S., & Beschorner, K.E. (2018). Kinematics and kinetics of the shoe during human slips. J Biomech, 74, 57-63.Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2018.04.018.

Jones, T., Iraqi, A., & Beschorner, K. (2018). Performance testing of work shoes labeled as slip resistant. Appl Ergon, 68, 304-312.Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2017.12.008.

Moghaddam, S.R.M., & Beschorner, K.E. (2018). Predicting shoe-floor contact pressures and their impact on coefficient of friction using finite element analysis. 24-28.

Moghaddam, S.R.M., Acharya, A., Redfern, M.S., & Beschorner, K.E. (2018). Predictive multiscale computational model of shoe-floor coefficient of friction. J Biomech, 66, 145-152.Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2017.11.009.

Nazifi, M.M., Beschorner, K.E., & Hur, P. (2017). Association between Slip Severity and Muscle Synergies of Slipping. Front Hum Neurosci, 11, 536.Frontiers. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00536.

Nazifi, M.M., Yoon, H.U., Beschorner, K., & Hur, P. (2017). Shared and Task-Specific Muscle Synergies during Normal Walking and Slipping. Front Hum Neurosci, 11, 40.Frontiers. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00040.

Pliner, E.M., Seo, N.J., & Beschorner, K.E. (2017). Factors affecting fall severity from a ladder: Impact of climbing direction, gloves, gender and adaptation. Appl Ergon, 60, 163-170.Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2016.11.011.

Beschorner, K.E., Albert, D.L., & Redfern, M.S. (2016). Required coefficient of friction during level walking is predictive of slipping. Gait Posture, 48, 256-260.Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2016.06.003.

Cowap, M.J.H., Moghaddam, S.R.M., Menezes, P.L., & Beschorner, K.E. (2015). Contributions of adhesion and hysteresis to coefficient of friction between shoe and floor surfaces: Effects of floor roughness and sliding speed. Tribology - Materials Surfaces & Interfaces, 9(2), 77-84.SAGE Publications. doi: 10.1179/1751584x15y.0000000005.

Moghaddam, S.R.M., Redfern, M.S., & Beschorner, K.E. (2015). A Microscopic Finite Element Model of Shoe-Floor Hysteresis and Adhesion Friction. TRIBOLOGY LETTERS, 59(3), 42.Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/s11249-015-0570-x.

Schnorenberg, A.J., Campbell-Kyureghyan, N.H., & Beschorner, K.E. (2015). Biomechanical response to ladder slipping events: Effects of hand placement. J Biomech, 48(14), 3810-3815.Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2015.09.001.

Beschorner, K.E., Albert, D.L., Chambers, A.J., & Redfern, M.S. (2014). Fluid pressures at the shoe-floor-contaminant interface during slips: effects of tread and implications on slip severity. J Biomech, 47(2), 458-463.Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2013.10.046.

Pliner, E.M., Campbell-Kyureghyan, N.H., & Beschorner, K.E. (2014). Effects of foot placement, hand positioning, age and climbing biodynamics on ladder slip outcomes. Ergonomics, 57(11), 1739-1749.Taylor & Francis. doi: 10.1080/00140139.2014.943681.

Singh, G., & Beschorner, K.E. (2014). A Method for Measuring Fluid Pressures in the Shoe-Floor-Fluid Interface: Application to Shoe Tread Evaluation. IIE Trans Occup, 2(2), 53-59.Taylor & Francis. doi: 10.1080/21577323.2014.919367.

Beschorner, K.E. (2013). Biotribology and Human Tribology. In Tribology for Scientists and Engineers. 9781461419457, (pp. 583-603).Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-1945-7_17.

Beschorner, K.E., Milanowski, A., Tomashek, D., & Smith, R.O. (2013). Effect of multifocal lens glasses on the stepping patterns of novice wearers. Gait Posture, 38(4), 1015-1020.Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2013.05.014.

Beschorner, K.E., Redfern, M.S., & Cham, R. (2013). Earliest Gait Deviations During Slips: Implications For Recovery. IISE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors, 1(1), 31-37.Taylor & Francis. doi: 10.1080/21577323.2012.660904.

Moore, C.T., Menezes, P.L., Lovell, M.R., & Beschorner, K.E. (2012). Analysis of Shoe Friction During Sliding Against Floor Material: Role of Fluid Contaminant. JOURNAL OF TRIBOLOGY-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 134(4), 041104.ASME International. doi: 10.1115/1.4007346.

Strobel, C.M., Menezes, P.L., Lovell, M.R., & Beschorner, K.E. (2012). Analysis of the Contribution of Adhesion and Hysteresis to Shoe-Floor Lubricated Friction in the Boundary Lubrication Regime. TRIBOLOGY LETTERS, 47(3), 341-347.Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/s11249-012-9989-5.

Beschorner, K., Higgs, C.F.I.I.I., & Lovell, M. (2009). Solution of Reynolds Equation in Polar Coordinates Applicable to Nonsymmetric Entrainment Velocities. JOURNAL OF TRIBOLOGY-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 131(3), 034501.ASME International. doi: 10.1115/1.3118783.

Beschorner, K., Lovell, M., Higgs, C.F.I.I.I., & Redfern, M.S. (2009). Modeling Mixed-Lubrication of a Shoe-Floor Interface Applied to a Pin-on-Disk Apparatus. TRIBOLOGY TRANSACTIONS, 52(4), 560-568.Taylor & Francis. doi: 10.1080/10402000902825705.

Beschorner, K., & Cham, R. (2008). Impact of joint torques on heel acceleration at heel contact, a contributor to slips and falls. Ergonomics, 51(12), 1799-1813.Taylor & Francis. doi: 10.1080/00140130802136479.

Beschorner, K.E., Redfern, M.S., Porter, W.L., & Debski, R.E. (2007). Effects of slip testing parameters on measured coefficient of friction. Appl Ergon, 38(6), 773-780.Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2006.10.005.

Pliner, E.M., Dukes, A., Beschorner, K.E., & Mahboobin, A. (2020). Work in progress: Engaging early career students in bioengineering with student-specific content. In ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, 2020-June.

Pliner, E.M., & Beschorner, K.E. (2019). Increased Hand-Rung Force Is Associated with Increased Ladder Fall Risk. In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 819, (pp. 800-806).Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-96089-0_88.

Hemler, S.L., Redfern, M.S., Haight, J.M., & Beschorner, K.E. (2018). Influence of Natural Wear Progression on Shoe Floor Traction – A Pilot Study. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 62(1), (pp. 1358-1362).SAGE Publications. doi: 10.1177/1541931218621310.

Martin, E., Pliner, E., & Beschorner, K. (2018). Characterizing the Required Friction during Ladder Climbing. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 62(1), (pp. 1624-1628).SAGE Publications. doi: 10.1177/1541931218621367.

Sundaram, V., Iraqi, A., Cham, R., Nasarwanji, M., Pollard, J.P., & Beschorner, K.E. (2018). The effects of gender, age, weight, and height on biomechanical properties related to slipping. In 73rd Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Annual Meeting and Exhibition 2018, (pp. 27-31).

Beschorner, K.E., Jones, T.G., & Iraqi, A. (2017). The Combined Benefits of Slip-Resistant Shoes and High Traction Flooring on Coefficient of Friction Exceeds Their Individual Contributions. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 61(1), (pp. 931-935).SAGE Publications. doi: 10.1177/1541931213601715.

Hemler, S.L., Charbonneau, D.N., & Beschorner, K.E. (2017). Effects of Shoe Wear on Slipping – Implications for Shoe Replacement Threshold. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 61(1), (pp. 1424-1428).SAGE Publications. doi: 10.1177/1541931213601839.

Iraqi, A., & Beschorner, K.E. (2017). Vertical Ground Reaction Forces During Unexpected Human Slips. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 61(1), (pp. 924-928).SAGE Publications. doi: 10.1177/1541931213601713.

Pliner, E., & Beschorner, K. (2017). Effects of Ladder Climbing Patterns on Fall Severity. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 61(1), (pp. 940-944).SAGE Publications. doi: 10.1177/1541931213601717.

Seneli, R.M., Beschorner, K.E., Keenan, K., Earl-Boehm, J.E., O'Connor, K., & Cobb, S.C. (2016). Foot Joint Coupling Variability in Rearfoot and Forefoot Runners After an Exhaustive Run. In MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 48(5), (pp. 1075-1076).Wolters Kluwer. doi: 10.1249/01.mss.0000488236.10388.43.

Vogt, A.P., Merryweather, A., Beschorner, K., & Bamberg, S.J.M. (2013). Potential to fall of bipeds using foot kinematics. In Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2013, (pp. 4746-4750).Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).United States. doi: 10.1109/EMBC.2013.6610608.

Beschorner, K. (2012). Experimental and Modeling Studies for Understanding Shoe-Floor-Contaminant Friction and Designing for Slip-Resistance. In ASME/STLE 2012 International Joint Tribology Conference, (pp. 127-129).ASME International. doi: 10.1115/ijtc2012-61191.

Beschorner, K.E., & Singh, G. (2012). A Novel Method for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Shoe-Tread Designs Relevant to Slip and Fall Accidents. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 56(1), (pp. 2388-2392).SAGE Publications. doi: 10.1177/1071181312561560.

Cowap, M., & Beschorner, K. (2012). The Effects of Floor Roughness on Shoe-Floor Friction Adhesion and Hysteresis. In ASME/STLE 2012 International Joint Tribology Conference, (pp. 111-113).ASME International. doi: 10.1115/ijtc2012-61152.

Singh, G., & Beschorner, K. (2012). Influence of Hydrodynamic Fluid Pressure and Shoe Tread Depth on Available Coefficient of Friction. In ASME/STLE 2012 International Joint Tribology Conference, (pp. 49-51).ASME International. doi: 10.1115/ijtc2012-61173.

Singh, G., Hasija, V., Menezes, P.L., & Beschorner, K. (2012). Using a 3-Dimensional Viscoelastic Finite Element Model to Analyze the Effects of Floor Roughness, Sliding Speed and Material Properties on Shoe-Floor Friction. In ASME/STLE 2012 International Joint Tribology Conference, (pp. 255-257).ASME International. doi: 10.1115/ijtc2012-61176.

Moore, C., Beschorner, K., Menezes, P.L., & Lovell, M.R. (2011). Analysis of the Contribution of Adhesion and Ploughing to Shoe-Floor Lubricated Friction in the Boundary Lubrication Regime. In ASME/STLE 2011 Joint Tribology Conference, (pp. 43-45).ASME International. doi: 10.1115/ijtc2011-61197.

Moore, C., & Beschorner, K. (2010). Effects of Varying Shoe Surface Roughness on COF Between Shoe and Floor Material in the Presence of a Liquid Contaminant. In STLE/ASME 2010 International Joint Tribology Conference, (pp. 49-51).ASME International. doi: 10.1115/ijtc2010-41179.

Beschorner, K.E., Higgs, C.F., & Lovell, M.R. (2009). Derivation of reynolds equation in cylindrical coordinates applicable to pin-on-disk and CMP. In 2008 Proceedings of the STLE/ASME International Joint Tribology Conference, IJTC 2008, (pp. 399-401).

Beschorner, K.E., Lovell, M.R., Higgs, C.F., & Redfern, M.S. (2009). A mixed-lubrication model for shoe-floor friction applied to pin-on-disk apparatus. In 2008 Proceedings of the STLE/ASME International Joint Tribology Conference, IJTC 2008, (pp. 143-145).

Fred Higgs, C., Lovell, M., Beschorner, K., & Redfern, M. (2008). Modeling Shoe-Floor-Contaminant Friction Applied to a Pin-on-Disk Apparatus. In Contemporary Ergonomics 2008, (pp. 717-722).Taylor & Francis. doi: 10.1201/9780203883259.ch115.

Beschorner, K.E., Lovell, M.R., & Redfern, M.S. (2007). Shoe-Floor Frictional Properties for Varying Sliding Speed, Pressure and Contaminant. In ASME/STLE 2007 International Joint Tribology Conference, Parts A and B, PART B, (pp. 961-963).ASME International. doi: 10.1115/ijtc2007-44363.

Research interests

prevention of falls in older adults
prevention of slips, trips and...
slip resistant shoe and floor...
Whole-body biomechanics