- One of the five oldest IE programs in the U.S. with a progressive curriculum and consistently ranked among the top 20 undergraduate programs
- A multidisciplinary emphasis on problem-solving and re-engineering for a better future
- Predominantly quantitative coursework emphasizing mathematical and computer modeling approaches to problem-solving
- An active, cohesive and dynamic student body that is engaged across campus
- Faculty who are mentors both in and out of the classroom
- Opportunities to integrate and synthesize material in order to solve real-world problems as part of the required curriculum
- Preparation to work in any type of industry or institution including manufacturing, logistics, health care, finance, law, retail, consulting, education, energy, and entrepreneurial ventures
- Numerous opportunities for study abroad to learn engineering from a global perspective
- Strong cooperative education (co-op) program that improves your value as an engineer
- Exposure to the humanities and social sciences through six elective courses
- Opportunity to select five technical electives, of which three may be selected from other programs in the university such as other engineering departments, the sciences, mathematics, economics, business, computer science, or information science
- Capstone design course in the final term, where students, working in small teams, complete a term-long project in an industry or institutional setting