
placeholder for headshot of Brandon Barber
BioE Design, Innovation, and Outreach Coordinator
headshot of Julia Bennett
BioE Scientific Editorial Assistant, Wagner Lab
headshot of Jeremy Berardo
BioE Research Operations Manager
headshot of Ben Cohen
BioE Research Technician
placeholder for headshot of Olivia Coyne
BioE Research Engineer
headshot of Cyrus Darvish
Research Specialist
headshot of Diann Decenzo
Administrator, BiRM Training Program
Executive Assistant to Dr. Savio L-Y. Woo, PhD, DSc, DEng
placeholder for headshot of Anthony Defranco
BioE Radiofrequency Engineer
headshot of Alexis DelGrosso
BioE Financial Administrator
headshot of Mary Jo Dorsey, PhD
BioE Executive Assistant and Project Administrator
headshot of Kristen Gallik
BioE Events Manager
headshot of Aaron Gibson
BioE Assistant Director of Graduate Programs
placeholder for headshot of Khari Goosby
BioE Research Operations Manager, Kozai Lab
headshot of Cassandra Gray
BioE Laboratory Technician II
headshot of Denise Grogan
BioE Finance Assistant II
headshot of Amanda Gryskevicz
BioE Academic Administrator
headshot of Hong Bin Jiang, MD
BioE Research Specialist, Wagner Lab
headshot of Anna Kelly
BioE Laboratory Research Technician
headshot of Tianyang Li
BioE Research Technician
placeholder for headshot of Xia Li
BioE Laboratory Manager
headshot of Anna Ligorio
BioE External Relations Manager
placeholder for headshot of Congrong Ma
BioE Laboratory Manager
placeholder for headshot of John Mahn
BioE Lead Grants Administrator
headshot of Rebecca Marflak
Laboratory Research Technician