Manufacturing Assistance Center (MAC) Assistance Center (MAC)
Bopaya Bidanda, PhD
Phone: 412-826-3535
The MAC is a working factory opened in November of 1994 at the University of Pittsburgh Applied Research Center (U-PARC) as an initiative of the University of Pittsburgh, School of Engineering’s Industrial Engineering Department. It is comprised of a synergistic network of laboratories encompassing machine tooling, computer aided design and manufacturing, metrology, materials tracking, and human issues. The MAC’s mission is twofold: 1.) provide research and educational support to the University of Pittsburgh and 2.) provide Southwestern Pennsylvania small and mid-sized manufacturers with the tools necessary to compete in the global marketplace. With the resources available in the MAC labs, area manufacturers can receive demonstrations on new equipment and manufacturing processes, perform pilot manufacturing, and conduct limited production. In addition to these services, the MAC also provides training on computer numerical control (CNC) machining, computer aided design (CAD), computer aided manufacturing (CAM), and computer integrated manufacturing (CIM), plus a variety of other concepts (e.g. materials requirements planning, total quality management, team development, etc.) utilized in today’s highly successful manufacturing organizations. The MAC is directed by Dr. Bopaya Bidanda.
Mascaro Center for Sustainable Innovation (MCSI) in 2003, the Mascaro Center for Sustainable Innovation promotes the incorporation of sustainable engineering concepts and practices through the University Of Pittsburgh Swanson School Of Engineering. Its mission is to create and nurture innovations that benefit the environment, positively impact the University and community-at-large and improve quality of life.
MCSI has a holistic approach to sustainability. Through the integration of curriculum, groundbreaking research and social engagement, the Center engages students, faculty and staff as well as everyday citizens to explore and experience sustainability in practice and performance. An interdisciplinary team of faculty researchers engage with the Center to develop the next generation of sustainable engineering solutions for humanity. These faculty are passionate about the impact their research can have on areas including green building design and construction, infrastructure and materials.
Participating faculty and PhD students come from all six engineering departments at the Swanson School as well as from the University’s Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business, and the schools of Education, Medicine, Public and International Affairs and Public Health. Believing that sustainability can't simply be taught from a text book, the Mascaro Center encourages students to explore hands-on research through an undergraduate summer program in sustainable engineering. This competitive program culminates in a sustainability conference where student present their research findings to peers, faculty mentors, and community leaders.
MCSI also administers two undergraduate certificates in Sustainability and Engineering for Humanity. Both provide students with a more competitive pedigree upon graduation. MCSI also partners with and mentors student groups including competitively awarded service-oriented projects aimed at implementing solutions that benefit the University and / or the greater community.
Believing that sustainability can't simply be taught from a text book, the Mascaro Center encourages students to explore hands-on research through an undergraduate summer program in sustainable engineering. This competitive program culminates in a sustainability conference where student present their research findings to peers, faculty mentors, and community leaders.
MCSI administers two undergraduate certificates in Sustainability and Engineering for Humanity. Both provide students with a more competitive pedigree upon graduation. MCSI also partners with and mentors student groups including competitively awarded service-oriented projects aimed at implementing solutions that benefit the University and / or the greater community.
Materials Micro-Characterization Laboratory (MMCL) the academic Director of the MMCL, Professor Jörg Wiezorek (e-mail:, tel.: 412 624 0122) if you are interested or have question regarding MMCL use and offerings.Â
The MMCL is located on the 5th floor of Benedum Engineering Hall and part of the Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science Department. The laboratory provides instrumentation and personnel expertise for the complete microstructural characterization and analysis of materials and locally resolved micro- and nano-mechanical measurements. As part of the MMCL the Fischione Instruments Electron Microscopy Sample Preparation Center of Excellence (Fischione Lab) offers a suite of specialized state-of-the-art instruments for the artifact-free preparation of high-quality samples and for anti-contamination solutions for quantitative and highest resolution electron microscopy experiments. Major characterization equipment resources housed in the MMCL include a versatile X-ray diffractometer (XRD) platform, two scanning electron microscopes (SEM) and two transmission electron microscopes (TEM), a multi-mode scanning probe microscope (SPM), a nano-mechanical testing system, a micro-hardness tester and light-optical microscopes (LOM) for metallographic investigations and measurements.Â
For X-ray diffraction investigations the multipurpose diffractometer platform, Empyrean from PANalytical, offers non-destructive, cutting-edge characterization solutions for solids, fluids, thin films or nanomaterials. The system provides detailed information on elemental and/or phase constitution, crystallographic texture, crystalline quality, lattice strains and/or nanoparticle size distributions and shape, which can be acquired with either Cu-K-alpha or Cr-K-alpha X-ray beams. Computers for on-line and off-line processing and analysis of diffraction data are also available in this laboratory.Â
In the SEM laboratory two separate a SEM platforms are available for studies of surface topography and morphology, elemental composition and crystal orientation analyses. The JEOL JSM 6610-LV with Oxford EDS and EBSD is a tungsten-cathode equipped analytical SEM that accepts large samples (diameter ≤8â€) and can operate in a low-vacuum (Environmental) mode. The FEI Apreo Hi-Vac is equipped with a field-emission gun (FEG) and optimized for high-through-put integrated back-scatter diffraction (EBSD) based orientation imaging microscopy (OIM) and energy-dispersive-spectroscopy (EDS) studies for crystal orientation and phase mapping (Team Pegasus Hikari Super Octane 25, Edax). The FEI Apreo FEGSEM is equipped with an Everhart-Thornley secondary electron (SE) detector, two additional in-lens SE detectors for separation of high and low energy SE signals and a segmented back-scatter electron (BSE) detector offering atomic number sensitive contrast formation. This state-of-the-art analytical high-resolution FEGSEM is capable of imaging with 1nm (1.3nm) at 15kV (1kV) without beam deceleration and 1nm at 1kV with beam deceleration. The two SEM instruments permit elemental mapping by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) for elements of heavier than Boron (Z>6).Â
The TEM Laboratory offers access to a high-resolution analytical  transmission electron microscopes operating optimally at 200kV. The FEI Tecnai G2 F20 S-Twin TMP microscope is a true multi-purpose computer controlled analytical high-resolution FEG TEM. It offers an information limit of 0.11nm and a lateral spatial resolution at Scherzer defocus of 0.24nm for high resolution atomic lattice imaging (HREM) in combination with a specimen tilt range of ≤±35Ëš and capable of forming intense electron probes as small as ≈0.4nm in diameter. The FEI Tecnai G2 F20 S-Twin is equipped with a bottom-mounted 2kx2k CCD camera, and EDS detector for elemental analysis and a precession electron diffraction assisted automated crystal orientation mapping (NanoMegas Topspin / Astar) for 1nm lateral spatial resolution OIM for quantitative studies of texture, crystallite size, strain and phase fractions in the TEM specimens. It is used for routine high-resolution lattice imaging and permits analysis and characterization of the detailed microstructural and micro-chemical changes in materials by diffraction (selected area, convergent beam and nano-beam diffraction) and EDS with 0.4nm diameter probe size electron beams. This facilitates the study of material interfaces, observing microstructural defects, dislocations, precipitates, and quantifying elemental composition and elemental segregation at the nanometer scale. Apart from standard single-tilt and double-tilt low-background analytical specimen holders, numerous specialized sample holders in-situ studies of materials responses to external thermal, mechanical and thermo-mechanical stimuli. Â
In the SPM lab the DI Dimension 3100 SPM has recently been upgraded with new control electronics and software. It permits atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), and magnetic force microscopy (MFM) investigations in a single platform. This multi-modal surface morphology and property characterization instrument accepts samples up to eight inches in diameter for SPM analyses in air or fluids and automated stepping can be used to scan multiple areas of the sample without operator intervention. The Nano-mechanical test system is a Hysitron TI900 Triboindenter which allows nano-Newton level resolution depth-resolved measurements of hardness and elastic modulus Both normal (hardness) and lateral (friction) force loading configurations are available to provide a sub-micron scale testing arena with real-time data collection and nanometer resolution in-situ SPM imaging.Â
The Fischione Lab, a private-public partnership between Fischione Instruments and the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science of the University of Pittsburgh offers access to world-class expertise and a complete suite of state-of-the-art equipment used for high-fidelity and effective electron microscopy sample preparation. Specific instrumentation includes the Fischione Model 1010 Ion-Mill, Model 1040 NanoMill, Model 1050 TEM Mill, Model 1060 SEM Mill, Model 1070 NanoClean Plasma-Cleaner, Model 200 Dimple Grinder, Model 170 Ultrasonic Disk Cutter, Model 110 Twin-Jet Electroplisher, a Allied HighTech Products TechCut4 low speed saw and Multiprep8 automated precision sample preparation system. After consultation with MMCL staff direct support from Fischione Instruments application scientists and engineers facilitates solution of standard and unique, unconventional electron microscopy sample preparation challenges.Â
Contact the academic Director of the MMCL, Professor Jörg Wiezorek (e-mail:, tel.: 412 624 0122) if you are interested or have question regarding MMCL use and offerings.
The SEM Laboratory
The SEM laboratory is part of the MMCL. Its two separate a SEM platforms provide capabilities for studies of surface topography and morphology, elemental composition and crystal orientation analyses. The JEOL JSM 6610-LV with Oxford EDS and EBSD is a tungsten-cathode equipped analytical SEM that accepts large samples (diameter ≤8â€) and can operate in a low-vacuum (Environmental) mode. The FEI Apreo Hi-Vac is equipped with a field-emission gun (FEG) and optimized for high-through-put integrated back-scatter diffraction (EBSD) based orientation imaging microscopy (OIM) and energy-dispersive-spectroscopy (EDS) studies for crystal orientation and phase mapping (Team Pegasus Hikari Super Octane 25, Edax). The FEI Apreo FEGSEM is equipped with an Everhart-Thornley secondary electron (SE) detector, two additional in-lens SE detectors for separation of high and low energy SE signals and a segmented back-scatter electron (BSE) detector offering atomic number sensitive contrast formation. This state-of-the-art analytical high-resolution FEGSEM is capable of imaging with 1nm (1.3nm) at 15kV (1kV) without beam deceleration and 1nm at 1kV with beam deceleration. The two SEM instruments permit elemental mapping by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) for elements of heavier than Boron (Z>6).
The TEM Laboratory
The TEM laboratory is part of the MMCL. It offers access to a 200kV TEM platform system, the FEI Tecnai G2 F20 S-Twin TMP microscope. This instrument is a true multi-purpose computer controlled analytical high-resolution FEG TEM. It offers an information limit of 0.11nm and a lateral spatial resolution at Scherzer defocus of 0.24nm for high resolution atomic lattice imaging (HREM) in combination with a specimen tilt range of ≤±35˚ and capable of forming intense electron probes as small as ≈0.4nm in diameter. The FEI Tecnai G2 F20 S-Twin is equipped with a bottom-mounted 2kx2k CCD camera, and EDS detector for elemental analysis and a precession electron diffraction assisted automated crystal orientation mapping (NanoMegas Topspin / Astar) for 1nm lateral spatial resolution OIM for quantitative studies of texture, crystallite size, strain and phase fractions in the TEM specimens. It is used for routine high-resolution lattice imaging and permits analysis and characterization of the detailed microstructural and micro-chemical changes in materials by diffraction (selected area, convergent beam and nano-beam diffraction) and EDS with 0.4nm diameter probe size electron beams. This facilitates the study of material interfaces, observing microstructural defects, dislocations, precipitates, and quantifying elemental composition and elemental segregation at the nanometer scale. Apart from standard single-tilt and double-tilt low-background analytical specimen holders, numerous specialized sample holders for specimen stimulation by thermal, mechanical and thermo-mechanical loading are available to support increasing interest and needs for in-situ studies.
The SPM Laboratory
The SPM laboratory is part of the MMCL. Its DI Dimension 3100 SPM has recently been upgraded with new control electronics and software and permits atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), and magnetic force microscopy (MFM) investigations in a single platform. This multi-modal surface morphology and property characterization instrument accepts samples up to eight inches in diameter for SPM analyses in air or fluids and automated stepping can be used to scan multiple areas of the sample without operator intervention. The Nano-mechanical test system is a Hysitron TI900 Triboindenter which allows nano-Newton level resolution depth-resolved measurements of hardness and elastic modulus Both normal (hardness) and lateral (friction) force loading configurations are available to provide a sub-micron scale testing arena with real-time data collection and nanometer resolution in-situ SPM imaging.
The Fischione Laboratory for EM Sample Preparation
As part of the MMCL, the Fischione Lab, a private-public partnership between Fischione Instruments and the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science of the University of Pittsburgh offers access to world-class expertise and a complete suite of state-of-the-art equipment used for high-fidelity and effective electron microscopy sample preparation. Specific instrumentation includes the Fischione Model 1010 Ion-Mill, Model 1040 NanoMill, Model 1050 TEM Mill, Model 1060 SEM Mill, Model 1070 NanoClean Plasma-Cleaner, Model 200 Dimple Grinder, Model 170 Ultrasonic Disk Cutter, Model 110 Twin-Jet Electroplisher, a Allied HighTech Products TechCut4 low speed saw and Multiprep8 automated precision sample preparation system. After consultation with MMCL staff direct support from Fischione Instruments application scientists and engineers facilitates solution of standard and unique, unconventional electron microscopy sample preparation challenges.
McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine Testing Laboratory
Calixto Isaac Garcia, PhD
Phone: 412-624-9731
This facility directed by C. Isaac Garcia, PhD, includes two hydraulic MTS machines. One has a high temperature capability for hot deformation simulation and the other is an MTS 880, 20,000-pound frame with hydraulic grips and temperature capability up to 1000ËšC. Two screw-driven machines are available, a 50,000-pound Instron TT and a 10,000-pound ATS tabletop tester (this machine has fixtures for loading in tension, compression and bending). The facility also includes several hardness testers, including one Brinell, two Rockwell, one Rockwell Superficial, and one Vickers, plus a new Leco M-400 G microhardness tester. Two impact tested are available-one with 100 foot-per-pound and the other with 265 foot-per-pound capacity. An ultrasonic elastic modulus tester is also available.
Mechanics of Active Materials Laboratory
Lisa Weiland, PhD
Phone: 412-624-9031
The Mechanics of Active Materials Laboratory focuses on the experiment- and physics-based constitutive modeling of smart materials, with a strong secondary emphasis on applications. A smart (or active) material is any material that can transform energy from one domain to another, akin to how man-made motors transform electrical energy into mechanical work. Dr. Lisa Weiland is the director of this laboratory, in which active materials such ferroelectric ceramics, electroactive and photoactive polymers, and nastic materials are considered both experimentally and computationally. Experimental studies focus on developing characterization methods for novel materials for which there are no established procedures. Computational studies generally focus on nano length scale active response as a means to anticipate macro length scale response. The goal of research is to understand the multi-scale physics responsible for the 'smart' behavior observed in these materials in order to expand viable engineering applications which range from shape morphing structures and bio-sensors to a range of adaptive structures concepts appropriate to sustainability challenges.
MechMorpho Lab - Mechanics of Morphogenesis (BST3)
MechMorpho Lab - Mechanics of Morphogenesis (BST3)
MechMorpho Lab seeks to understand how tissues and organs are shaped in the embryo and how principles of self-assembly can be applied to engineer tissues, run by Director Lance Davidson, PhD. The experimental and theoretical approaches are multiscale, ranging from super-resolution imaging and simulation of intracellular effectors to mesoscale analysis of bulk movements and biomechanics. Such multiscale analysis is uncovering feedback circuits that make tissue assembly more robust even as biological structures become more complex. This research uses a number of techniques ranging from classical embryology to cell and molecular biology to cell and tissue biomechanics. The laboratory is equipped with a range of imaging tools from stereo-dissecting microscopes to laser scanning confocal microscopes. The group develops custom cell biological protocols and biophysical and biomechanical devices such as microaspirators, uniaxial unconstrained compression devises, and microstretchers to characterize the mechanical properties of small extremely soft biomaterials and to investigate the roles of mechanics during embryogenesis. Ongoing collaborations across a range of disciplines is seeking to extend systems biology approaches to investigate both chemical and mechanical processes driving development and to apply this knowledge to forward-engineer the patterning and shaping of novel 3D tissue structures.
Medical Device Prototype Laboratory Federspiel, PhD
The Medical Devices Laboratory, under the direction of William Federspiel, PhD, occupies approximately 2300 sq ft and provides space for the development and testing of hollow fiber membrane-based cardiovascular devices related to mass transfer including several artificial lungs projects (acute, implantable, and extracorporeal), extracorporeal hemofiltration and hemoadsorption devices, and biohybrid artificial alveolar capillary modules. Expertise exists in handling and assembling membrane fiber components and devices, and functional testing of oxygenators, artificial lungs, polymer hollow fiber membrane or porous bead modules and other cardiovascular devices requiring perfusion loop testing in aqueous solution or blood. Additionally, the lab is equipped with necessary equipment for chemical modification of polymer samples and subsequent incorporation of biomolecules through covalent coupling. The lab includes over 200 linear feet of wet-lab bench space with nine desks and two chemical fume hoods. One area is equipped with a drainage sink and wall-mounted stand for performance testing with fluid circuits, including blood circuits. Two additional sink areas are available at the end of bench space, each with de-ionized water hook ups. Central air and central vacuum are provided to each bench.
Medical Devices Laboratory Federspiel, PhD
The Medical Devices Laboratory, under the direction of William Federspiel, PhD, occupies approximately 2300 sq ft and provides space for the development and testing of hollow fiber membrane-based cardiovascular devices related to mass transfer including several artificial lungs projects (acute, implantable, and extracorporeal), extracorporeal hemofiltration and hemoadsorption devices, and biohybrid artificial alveolar capillary modules. Expertise exists in handling and assembling membrane fiber components and devices, and functional testing of oxygenators, artificial lungs, polymer hollow fiber membrane or porous bead modules and other cardiovascular devices requiring perfusion loop testing in aqueous solution or blood. Additionally, the lab is equipped with necessary equipment for chemical modification of polymer samples and subsequent incorporation of biomolecules through covalent coupling. The lab includes over 200 linear feet of wet-lab bench space with nine desks and two chemical fume hoods. One area is equipped with a drainage sink and wall-mounted stand for performance testing with fluid circuits, including blood circuits. Two additional sink areas are available at the end of bench space, each with de-ionized water hook ups. Central air and central vacuum are provided to each bench.
Metals Processing Laboratory
Calixto Isaac Garcia, PhD
Phone: 412-624-9731
This laboratory, directed by C. Isaac Garcia, PhD, includes a cold rolling mill and various muffle and recirculating air furnaces for heat treatment of metals and alloys. Metal melting and casting facilities include air, inert atmosphere, and vacuum facilities. A special arc melting unit also provides a facility for preparing buttons and rapidly solidified ribbons.
Micro- / Nano-electronic Device Characterization and Modeling Lab
William Stanchina, PhD
Phone: 412-624-7629
The ECE Dept. houses measurement and modeling capabilities for physical characterization of micro- and nano-scale electronic devices and for derivation of equivalent circuit models for novel devices. DC characterization instrumentation includes a Keithley 4200 Semiconductor Characterization System (4200 SCS) and RF instrumentation includes an Anritsu 37397D Vector Network Analyzer which can make s-parameter measurements on the device under test (DUT) between 40 MHz and 67 GHz. Measurement can be made on fabricated wafers or bare die using a Cascade Microtech M-150 manual probe station. Additionally Agilent IC-CAP integrated software is available to enable computer based control of instrumentation, computation of extracted parameters, and extraction of equivalent circuit models. Tanner L-Edit Prof software is utilized for designing photolithographic mask sets for novel device fabrication and it's also utilized for SPICE integrated circuit design and performance assessment using the derived equivalent circuit models.
Micromechanics and Nano-science Laboratory
Scott Mao, PhD
Phone: 412-624-9602
This mechanical engineering laboratory is a modern facility with cutting-edge technology for the study of micromechanics and physics of micrometer and nanometer scaled structures and materials. Directed by Scott X. Mao, PhD, the laboratory contains atomic force microscopes and a nano-indentation testing facility, which provide a capability of measuring load vs. displacement at scales of 10-9 Newton versus nanometer, nano-scaled adhesion, and micro-mechanical behavior for advanced materials including semiconductors and biosystems.