The lab is fully equipped to cast, cure and test concrete specimens as well as other pavement materials. Some of the equipment available for for casting, curing and preparing concrete specimens is provided below.
- 1- Jaw crusher
- 1 – Los Angeles abrasion machine
- 3 – Ro-Tap sieve shakers
- 3 - Aggregate screen shakers
- 5 - Aggregate bins
- 27 cft forced air conventional bench aggregate oven
- Fine aggregate specific gravity workstation
- Coarse aggregate specific gravity workstation
- Bench Scales
- Floor Scales
- 1 Toledo scale

- Ball Mill
- Vicat test equipment
- Blaine air permeability apparatus
- 5.5 cft rotating drum mixer
- Concrete sedimentation pit
- Vibrating table
- Shaft vibrator
- 2 - Environmental rooms
- Temperature/humidity control room (Drying shrinkage) (6 ft x. 11 ft)
- Temperature/humidity control concrete cure room (11.5 ft x 14 ft)
- 2 - Lime cure tanks (one with heater and agitator)
- Stationary core rig
- Concrete saw
- Fume Hood
- 4 qt Capping compound melting pot
- 12 qt Capping compound melting pot

Fresh Concrete
- Air meters
- Slump cones
- Concrete thermometers
- Vicat apparati
- Penetration resistance (initial and final concrete set)
- Unit weight bucket

Hardened Concrete
- Compressive, flexural and split tensile loading heads
- 16 in comparator
- 6 x 12 in compressometer-extensometer
- 4 x 8 in compressometer-extensometer
- Resonant frequency equipment
- Water bath with temperature control and stand for measuring thermal coefficient of expansion
- Temperature / humidity control room (Drying shrinkage) (6 ft x. 11 ft)
- Olympus Model SZX12 Stereomicroscope with Dual Revolving Nosepiece

- Viasala relative humidity / temperature probe
- Digital thermocouple readout and temperature probes