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Eyad Moria

2nd year PhD

Eyad Moria is a Ph.D. student in Industrial Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh. His research focuses on developing marketplace simulations to investigate bias and herding behaviors, utilizing SNPE for model estimation, GMM for robust statistical analysis, and matrix completion techniques to address sparse data for more accurate behavioral predictions. Previously, he explored simplified methods for selecting probability distributions in discrete event simulations, comparing default (less-fit) and best-fit distributions across models of varying complexity. Eyad holds an MSc in Industrial Engineering from Oregon State University and a BSc in Industrial Engineering from King Abdulaziz University.

Research Interests

Discrete Event Simulation, Applied Statistics, Bias Modeling, and Machine Learning


MSc, Industrial Engineering, Oregon State University, 2022
BSc, Industrial Engineering, King Abdulaziz University, 2016

Teaching Experience

Teaching Assistant at University of Pittsburgh: Design of Experiments and Quality Assurance
Teaching Assistant at Oregon State University: Statistical Quality Control, Simulation, and Decision Support Systems
Teaching Assistant at King Abdulaziz University: Engineering Economy and Industrial System Simulation

Leadership Roles

Founder & President, International Engineering Students’ Organization (IESO), University of Pittsburgh
Business Manager, Industrial Engineering Graduate Student Organization (IEGSO), University of Pittsburgh


2019: Master's Study Scholarship awarded by the Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission (SACM)
2022: PhD Study Scholarship awarded by the Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission (SACM)