headshot of Abdulrahman Ahmed

Abdulrahman Ahmed

2nd year PhD
Industrial google scholar

Abdulrahman is a Ph.D. student in the industrial engineering department at the University of Pittsburgh. His current research focuses on devising efficient techniques for estimating treatment effects from large-scale simulations (i.e., simulation metamodel), particularly in scenarios where sampling from these simulations proves to be resource-intensive. Previously, he worked on developing reinforcement learning methods for a financial problem called optimal execution problem, where the decision maker needs to devise a cost-saving strategy to maximize the gain from the execution. He got his MSc and BSc in operations research and computer science from Cairo University.

Google Scholar Link : https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&authuser=1&user=kf8by4MAAAAJ

Research Interest

Metamodeling, Simulation Optimization, Large-scale Simulation, and Machine Learning.
