
Below are 2 movie clips from Xing Chen’s recent Science paper:

Xing Chen et al., Shape perception via a high-channel-count neuroprosthesis in monkey visual cortex.Science 370,1191-1196(2020).DOI:10.1126/science.abd7435

High-channel-count RF mapping 

We displayed moving bars on a computer screen and obtained multiunit receptive fields (RFs) on ~1000 V1 and V4 electrodes in 2 monkeys. In accordance with known retinotopy, the RFs covered the foveal and parafoveal regions of the lower right visual field.

Letter task 

We created the perception of simple shapes by delivering electrical stimulation to V1 on multiple electrodes simultaneously, selecting the electrode sets such that the RFs collectively formed the shape of one of two letters. Before electrode implantation, the monkeys had learned to report the identity of 16 visually presented letters on a screen by making an eye movement to a target. After array implantation, we delivered simultaneous electrical stimulation to a novel set of electrodes for 167 ms (50 pulses at 300 Hz).