Headshot of Ansel Barchowsky

Ansel Barchowsky

PhD Student Researcher
Electrical & Computer

Education & Training

Research Interests

My research interests include AC and DC microgrids, the distributed energy resources connected to those microgrids, and the power electronic converter systems that make such integration possible. At the system level, I am interested in DC microgrid architectures and control strategies. At the integration level, I am interested in the development of high density power converters, through both the use of wide bandgap semiconductor devices and advanced converter topologies. Through this research, I hope to aid advancement of grid efficiency and stability, DC distribution systems, and renewable energy integration.

Awards & Honors


  1. A. Barchowsky, B. M. Grainger, P. T. Lewis, A. D. Cardoza, G. F. Reed and D. J. Carnovale, "Design and Realization of an Innovative Workbench for Electric Power Systems Technologies," Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on, 2014.
  2. B. M. Grainger, A. Barchowsky, P. T. Lewis, A. D. Cardoza, G. F. Reed and D. J. Carnovale, "Electric Power Laboratory Workbench for Training the Next Generation of Engineering Professionals," in T&D Conference and Exposition, 2014 IEEE PES, Chicago, Il, 2014.
  3. A. Barchowsky, J. P. Parvin, G. F. Reed, M. J. Korytowski and B. M. Grainger, "A comparative study of MPPT methods for distributed photovoltaic generation," in Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT), 2012 IEEE PES, 2012.
  4. G. F. Reed, P. A. Phillip, A. Barchowsky, C. Lippert and A. R. Sparacino, "Sample survey of smart grid approaches and technology gap analysis," in Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT Europe), 2010 IEEE PES, 2010.
  5. D. J. Carnovale, A. Barchowsky and B. G. Groden, "Energy Savings - Realistic Expectations for Commercial Facilities," in World Energy Engineering Congress, Washington, D.C., 2014.