Summer Engineering Academy students are expected to:

  1. Follow the Pitt Promise and treat each other and the Pitt EXCEL staff and
    instructors with respect.
  2. Attend all classes and study sessions on time and be prepared to work.
  3. Complete all assignments given by Summer Engineering Academy instructors.
  4. Adhere to the class expectations established by each instructor.
  5. Attend all SEA recreational activities, unless excused by the Program Director.
  6. Adhere to the policies and procedures established by University of Pittsburgh staff.

*Any Scholar caught breaching academic integrity will be dismissed from the Summer Engineering Academy program.

**Failure to follow these expectations may result in a students' dismissal from the Summer Engineering Academy or the University of Pittsburgh.

Residence Halls Guidelines

Student Code of Conduct 

The University Student Code of Conduct and Judicial Procedures contains information about the regulations and standards that have been established for Pitt students by the University, as well as a description of your responsibilities and rights as a Pitt student.  Key regulations/standards from this document are listed below.  Please refer to the Student Code of Conduct and Judicial Procedures for more detailed information:


In accordance with Pennsylvania state law, you must be 21-years-old or older to possess, consume, or transport alcoholic beverages in University housing buildings. All alcoholic beverages must be registered with the desk attendant, and the amount registered per person per week is strictly regulated.

Residents are responsible for their actions and the actions of their visitors should any damages or injuries result during or after the consumption of alcoholic beverages in University housing. See the Student Code of Conduct and Judicial Procedures for the complete alcohol policy.  


Upon check-in, please accurately complete a “Room Condition Report” form. 

You are financially responsible for damages you cause to University property. If a reasonable investigation cannot attribute damage to one or more individuals, financial responsibility may be assigned to your entire living unit.


All students have the right to be free from harassment and discrimination based upon but not limited to factors such as sexual orientation, color, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, handicap, marital status, age, or veteran status. Individuals and groups can be targets of harassment, and it can occur via telephone, mail, e-mail, or face-to-face.

Victims of harassment should immediately report the incident to their resident director, the Division of Student Affairs (412-648-1006), or the Office of Affirmative Action (412-648-7860).   

Prohibited Items and Activities

The following are not permitted in, on, or about, the students’ University housing accommodations:

  • Smoking
  • Unauthorized pets
  • Air Conditioners
  • Homemade or commercially made furniture, including loft beds, dressers, and desks
  • Waterbeds
  • Exterior radio / TV aerials
  • Controlled substances
  • Firecrackers
  • Ammunition
  • Firearms or any other weapons
  • Halogen lamps
  • Extension cords (power strips with circuit breakers are acceptable)
  • Flammable holiday decorations and any other flammable items

Quiet Hours

Students are required to observe Quiet Hours in residence halls as follows and are expected to maintain a level of reasonable quietness at all other times:

  • Sunday–Thursday, 10 p.m. to 8 a.m.
  • Friday–Saturday, 11 p.m. to 8 a.m.  


The entire campus of the University of Pittsburgh is smoke free, including residence halls and apartments.   

Substance and Drug Abuse

Student use, possession, distribution, or sale of narcotics, dangerous drugs, hallucinogens, or controlled substances is prohibited in all University buildings. Also, student possession of drug paraphernalia that can be linked to drug activity is prohibited. See the Student Code of Conduct and Judicial Procedures for the complete substance and drug abuse policy.

Visitors and guests

A visitor or guest is any person who is present at a campus residence hall by invitation of a resident student.  Due to the rigorous schedule of the Summer Engineering Academy, visitors are strongly discouraged. 

All visits are subject to the following conditions, which are outlined in the Student Code of Conduct and Judicial Procedures:  

  • The roommate’s approval is required, which is granted through the roommate contract.  All resident students will have the opportunity to establish and regulate visitation through their roommate contract.
  • All residents and visitors/guests must present proper photo identification to gain building entry.  Proper identification for visitors/guests includes state issued identification as well as identification cards from other schools.
  • The Desk Attendant will sign in and sign out visitors/guests.
  • All visitors/guests must be escorted by the resident who signed them in while in the building.
  • Residents are limited to five (5) visitors/guests at any one time.
  • A resident may not entertain children under five (5) years of age unless accompanied by a parent, without acquiring permission from Residence Life. If visitation is granted, the period of visitation may not exceed two (2) hours. At no time are children under the age of five (5) permitted to stay in the residence halls overnight.
  • A resident may not entertain a person under the age of sixteen (16), unless accompanied by a parent. If the parent is not present, permission of Residence Life must be acquired through the issuance of a guest pass. Guest passes may be acquired through Panther Central at the following times: 9:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m., and 9:00 p.m. They may also be procured in advance by contacting the Resident Director in the building during their posted office hours.