
headshot of Steven Anderson
Academic Advisor, First-Year Engineering Program
headshot of Tracy Anderson
Graduate Programs Administrative Director
placeholder for headsot of Brandon Barber
BioE Design, Innovation, and Outreach Coordinator
headshot of Eric Beckman
Director Emeritus
Chief of Innovation and Translation
Mascaro Center for Sustainable Innovation
headshot of Julia Bennett
BioE Scientific Editorial Assistant, Wagner Lab
headshot of Jeremy Berardo
BioE Research Operations Manager
headshot of Melissa Bilec
Co-Director Mascaro Center for Sustainable Innovation
placeholder for headsot of Kristin Bonasso
PAE Office Coordinator
headshot of Paul Boone
ChemE Systems Programmer
placeholder for headsot of Chien-Fu Chang
Senior Web Developer
headshot of Ben Cohen
BioE Research Technician
placeholder for headsot of Olivia Coyne
BioE Research Engineer
placeholder for headsot of Cole D’Alicandro
Undergraduate Recruitment Specialist
headshot of Cyrus Darvish
Research Specialist
headshot of Jessica Dawson
ECE Department Purchaser
headshot of Diann Decenzo
BioE Senior Research Accountant
headshot of Esmee deCortie
Community Engagement Coordinator
Mascaro Center for Sustainable Innovation
placeholder for headsot of Anthony Defranco
BioE Radiofrequency Engineer
placeholder for headsot of Tari Deiss
Fiscal Specialist
headshot of Alexis DelGrosso
BioE Financial Administrator
placeholder for headsot of Savannah Denlinger
Sustainability Academic Programs Manager
Mascaro Center for Sustainable Innovation
headshot of Jeremy Dennis
Technology Projects & Software Licensing Manager
placeholder for headsot of Mark J. Dignam
Admin Assistant to Prof. Anna C. Balazs
headshot of Mary Jo Dorsey, PhD
BioE Executive Assistant and Project Administrator
headshot of Kenny Doty
Associate Director of Technology
headshot of April Dukes
Faculty and Future Faculty Program Director, EERC
placeholder for headsot of Jake Eged
Financial Analyst
headshot of Erin English
Director of Student Records
Program Administrator, Academic Affairs
headshot of Andrew Falk
Executive Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations
headshot of Chris Frankovic
Director of Co-Op and Internships
headshot of Kristen Gallik
BioE Events Manager
headshot of Joseph Gannon
Department Administrator