Patrick Shirey

Patrick Shirey

Leonard Peters Faculty Fellowships in Sustainability
Mascaro Center for Sustainable Innovation
Mascaro Center for Sustainable Innovation

Dr. Patrick Shirey is a Postdoctoral Associate working with Daniel Bain and Anthony Iannacchione on bituminous coal mine subsidence impacts. He is a Certified Ecologist (Ecological Society of America) and Certified Fisheries Professional (American Fisheries Society), and serves as an Associate Director with the Pittsburgh Water Collaboratory ( Patrick conducts multidisciplinary research using techniques from his terminal degrees in ecology (Ph.D.) and law (J.D.). He has given over 40 scientific presentations (19 invited) and has published an invited comment in Nature and 18 peer-reviewed manuscripts in Conservation Letters, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Ecology and Society, Ecohydrology, Fisheries, the Journal of Paleolimnology, and other journals. His recently published research topics include urban stream restoration, endangered species conservation policy, environmental DNA, and science communication.

Patrick has won national research and policy awards including a George Melendez Wright Climate Change Research Fellowship from the National Park Service and was 1 of 35 early career aquatic scientists selected to participate in an NSF-funded symposium hosted by the University of HawaiĘ»i – 2014 Ecological Dissertations in the Aquatic Sciences (Eco-DAS). He has been a recorded radio guest on NPR’s All Things Considered, a live radio guest on WOJB (Lac Courte Oreilles Reservation) to discuss brook trout conservation, and live radio guest answering listener questions on NPR’s Science Friday to discuss the illegal trade of endangered species.