The CFE welcomes SSOE faculty and staff to participate in our professional development programs.

Working Effectively and Enjoyably With our Research Groups (2023) led by Devora Zack, MBA, global keynote speaker and CEO of Only Connect Consulting (OCC). Three distinct programs merged dynamic, interactive skill building with specific, practical applications.
- Day 1: Leveraging Your Myers Briggs Personality Type- Introductory program for faculty and research staff who had not attended previous MBTI programs with Devora. Topics included knowledge and understanding of one’s Myers Briggs Type, productively engaging with different personality styles, methods for single tasking to improve productivity and approaches for action planning and designing outcome goals.
- Day 2: Strengthening Your Professional Skills- Program for SSoE graduate students and post-docs from the research teams of faculty participating in the Day 3 afternoon session of this 2023 program. Topics included enhancing professional skills and developing practical tools for team problem solving self-reflection, small and large group work, and communication techniques.
- Day 3: Enriching the Dynamics and Effectiveness of Your Research Group- This program was for SSoE Principal Investigators and their research groups to increase cohesiveness and enhance collective skills in problem solving, goal-setting and shared priorities.
Summer 2021 CFE Professional Development Workshop Series led by Devora Zack, MBA, global keynote speaker and CEO of Only Connect Consulting (OCC).
- Program 1: Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and Customized Communication- This half-day hands on program was for participants who had not attended previous CFE workshops featuring the Myers Briggs Type Indicator. Each participant received an analysis of their individual MBTI temperament. The focus of the program was on personality styles for leadership and techniques to engage successfully with diverse personality styles.
- Program 2: Leadership, The Next Level- This one-day program was for participants who completed a prior CFE program on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, including participants who attended Part 1 of this 2021 program. All new content featured topics such as: leading through change; creating commitment and buy-in; creating rapport and enhanced productivity in the lab; establishing a collaborative workspace.
You are Not Alone Amidst Many Unknowns (2020) led by Devora Zack, MBA, global keynote speaker and CEO of Only Connect Consulting (OCC). Five session lunch time programs provided skill development and discussion in topic areas such as navigating a virtual reality, leading remote teams, managing yourself and your priorities, virtual presentations, introvert & extrovert challenges, singletasking from home, customizing online communication.
What Every PI Should Know about Proposal Budgeting (2020) led by Dr. Jennifer Woodward, Vice Chancellor for Sponsored Programs and Research Administration at Pitt, Professor of Surgery and Immunology.
Leading Your Team (2019) led by Devora Zack, MBA, global keynote speaker and CEO of Only Connect Consulting (OCC). Three-day professional development program with topics including Immersion in Leadership, Leading Your Group, Intro to Leadership for Students and Postdocs, and Enhancing Team Effectiveness.