PhD Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University
MS Computer Science, University of Pittsburgh
BS Computer Science, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Kenney, M., Horgan, J., Horne, C., Vining, P., Carley, K.M., Bigrigg, M.W., Bloom, M., & Braddock, K. (2013). Organisational adaptation in an activist network: social networks, leadership, and change in al-Muhajiroun. Appl Ergon, 44(5), 739-747.Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2012.05.005.
Carley, K.M., Bigrigg, M.W., & Diallo, B. (2012). Data-to-model: a mixed initiative approach for rapid ethnographic assessment. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 18(3), 300-327.Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/s10588-012-9125-y.
Bigrigg, M.W., Matthews, H.S., & Garrett, J.H.J. (2010). Fault perturbations in building sensor network data streams. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SENSOR NETWORKS, 7(3), 152-161.Inderscience Publishers. doi: 10.1504/IJSNET.2010.033117.
Bigrigg, M.W., Matthews, H.S., & Garrett, J.H. (2009). Imputation of missing sensor data values using in-exact replicas. International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, 7(1), 4.Inderscience Publishers. doi: 10.1504/ijista.2009.025103.
Bigrigg, M.W. (2008). Framework for exercising I/O exception handling code. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology, 1(3/4), 244.Inderscience Publishers. doi: 10.1504/ijict.2008.024002.
Bigrigg, M.W., Matthews, H.S., Hutchinson, T.C., Kuester, F., Yan, L., Arcelli, F., Raibulet, C., Tisato, F., Adorni, M., Endres, C., Butz, A., Vukovic, M., & Robinson, P. (2004). Ubiquitous system software. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 3(3), 57-59.Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi: 10.1109/mprv.2004.1321029.
Wylie, J.J., Bigrigg, M.W., Strunk, J.D., Ganger, G.R., Kiliççöte, H., & Khosla, P.K. (2000). Survivable information storage systems. COMPUTER, 33(8), 61-+.Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi: 10.1109/2.863969.
Jiang, L., Carley, K.M., Bigrigg, M.W., Eberlein, A., & Galster, M. (2012). The Impact of Component Interconnections On Software Quality: A Network Analysis Approach. In 2012 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), (pp. 1865-1872).Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi: 10.1109/icsmc.2012.6378010.
Schmerl, B., Garlan, D., Dwivedi, V., Bigrigg, M.W., & Carley, K.M. (2011). SORASCS. In Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering, (pp. 643-652).Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi: 10.1145/1985793.1985883.
Bigrigg, M.W., Carley, K.M., Manousakis, K., & McAuley, A. (2009). Routing Through an Integrated Communication and Social Network. In MILCOM 2009 - 2009 IEEE Military Communications Conference, (pp. 1-7).Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi: 10.1109/milcom.2009.5379848.
Bigrigg, M.W., & Filipski, K.J. (2007). Teaching a Multicultural Perspective in Software Engineering. In 2014 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE) Proceedings, (pp. 1-6).Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi: 10.1109/fie.2007.4418152.
Bigrigg, M.W., & Matthews, H.S. (2007). Empirical Evaluation of Pervasive Infrastructure Sensor Network Reliability. In Computing in Civil Engineering (2007), (pp. 713-720).American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). doi: 10.1061/40937(261)85.
Filipski, K., & Bigrigg, M.W. (2007). Effectiveness of online discussion groups. In Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference, ISECON, 24.
Wesner, J.W., Amon, C.H., Bigrigg, M.W., Subrahmanian, E., Westerberg, A.W., & Filipski, K. (2007). Student team formation and assignment in a multi-disciplinary engineering design projects course: a pair of suggested best practices. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION, 23(3), (pp. 517-526).
Frye, L., Cheng, L., Du, S., & Bigrigg, M.W. (2006). Topology maintenance of wireless sensor networks in node failure-prone environments. In Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, ICNSC'06, (pp. 886-891).
Singhvi, V., Bigrigg, M.W., Matthews, H.S., & Garrett, J.H. (2005). Continuous commissioning using embedded sensor networks. In Proceedings of the 2005 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, (pp. 491-501).
Ganger, G.R., Khosla, P.K., Bakkaloglu, M., Bigrigg, M.W., Goodson, G.R., Oguz, S., Pandurangan, V., Soules, C.A.N., Strunk, J.D., & Wylie, J.J. (2001). Survivable Storage Systems. In Proceedings DARPA Information Survivability Conference and Exposition II. DISCEX'01, 2, (pp. 184-195).Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi: 10.1109/discex.2001.932171.