Feature Publications

Harries, K.A. and Sharma, B. (editors) (2019) Nonconventional and Vernacular Construction Materials: Characterisation, Properties and Applications, 2nd edition. Woodhead (Elsevier) Publishing Series in Civil and Structural Engineering, 718 pp. ISBN: 978-0-08-102704-2
Includes the following chapters by NOCMAT faculty:
- Harries, Ben-Alon and Sharma: Chapter 4: Codes and Standards Development for Nonconventional and Vernacular Materials
- Papadopoulos and Nettleship: Chapter 5: Integrating Vernacular Experience for Teaching Nonconventional and Vernacular Materials
- Zheng and Nettleship: Chapter 6: The Potential for Materials Informatics in the Development of Non-Conventional Materials
- Harries and Widyowijatnoko: Chapter 20: Joints in Bamboo Construction

Harries, K.A., Glucksman, R., Vieira, J., Liu, T. and Moran, R. (2016) Bamboo Test-Kit-in-a-Backpack, INBAR Technical Report No. 36. (available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, French and Haitian Creole)