
Meet our Makerspace Team

Welcome to our team of student volunteers!

Meet our Makerspace Volunteers, composed of the student Lead Team, committee members, and mentors. Our mentors supervise our spaces during all open hours! They give trainings on all of our available machines, and will offer guidance on any project.

To apply to become a mentor, fill out the following form:‍

Current mentors - to apply to join the Lead Team and Committees, use the following form:

The makerspace team

Our Admins

headshot of Dr. William Clark

Dr. William Clark

headshot of Brandon Barber

Brandon Barber

headshot of Dan Yates

Dan Yates


Lead Team

headshot of Kara Nghiem

Kara Nghiem

headshot of Lauren Beck

Lauren Beck

Vice President
headshot of Natan Herzog

Natan Herzog

Mentor Manager
headshot of Andrea Moore

Andrea Moore

Student Outreach
headshot of Sarah Shegogue

Sarah Shegogue

Program Manager

Program Committee

headshot of Cole Hansen

Cole Hansen

headshot of Karan Choudhari

Karan Choudhari

headshot of Jack Bender

Jack Bender

Outreach Committee

headshot of Isaiah Jefferson III

Isaiah Jefferson III


headshot of Alex Briglia

Alex Briglia

headshot of Alexis Anis

Alexis Anis

headshot of Alli Hastings

Alli Hastings

headshot of Andrea Moore

Andrea Moore

headshot of Anthony Li

Anthony Li

headshot of Anthony Paladino Jr

Anthony Paladino Jr

headshot of Aqsa Owais

Aqsa Owais

headshot of Ash DeVaun

Ash DeVaun

headshot of Brittany Sadej

Brittany Sadej

headshot of Camila Iglesias

Camila Iglesias

headshot of Caroline Throener

Caroline Throener

headshot of Carter Jones

Carter Jones

headshot of Chris Ash

Chris Ash

headshot of Cole Hansen

Cole Hansen

headshot of David Hosken

David Hosken

headshot of David Nisula

David Nisula

headshot of Emma Pereira

Emma Pereira

headshot of Erica Hill

Erica Hill

headshot of Garrett Falkenstein

Garrett Falkenstein

headshot of Hannah Nestlerode

Hannah Nestlerode

headshot of Isaiah Jefferson III

Isaiah Jefferson III

headshot of Izzy DeNadai

Izzy DeNadai

headshot of Jack Bender

Jack Bender

headshot of Joseph Moritz

Joseph Moritz

headshot of Kalinda Wagner

Kalinda Wagner

headshot of Kara Nghiem

Kara Nghiem

headshot of Karan Choudhari

Karan Choudhari

headshot of Kate Bishop

Kate Bishop

headshot of Kennedy Snook

Kennedy Snook

headshot of Khylee Hollins-Greene

Khylee Hollins-Greene

headshot of Kyra Rau

Kyra Rau

headshot of Lauren Beck

Lauren Beck

headshot of Leilani Cruz

Leilani Cruz

headshot of Lola Galindo DeLeon

Lola Galindo DeLeon

headshot of Lucy Kohrt

Lucy Kohrt

headshot of Maya Connors

Maya Connors

headshot of Mike Ricci

Mike Ricci

headshot of Miles Rosas

Miles Rosas

headshot of Natan Herzog

Natan Herzog

headshot of Patrick Lovenguth

Patrick Lovenguth

headshot of Reuel John

Reuel John

headshot of Ricardo Rojas

Ricardo Rojas

headshot of Riya Kothari

Riya Kothari

headshot of Samiya Henry

Samiya Henry

headshot of Sarah Shegogue

Sarah Shegogue

headshot of Sasha Roth

Sasha Roth

headshot of Sezer Benoit-Savci

Sezer Benoit-Savci

headshot of Sloane Dowd

Sloane Dowd

headshot of Soumik Chakraborty

Soumik Chakraborty

headshot of Sruthi Kumar

Sruthi Kumar

headshot of Therese Uchenna Nneji

Therese Uchenna Nneji

headshot of Tyler Kenney

Tyler Kenney

headshot of Varun Patel

Varun Patel