The lab

IPDE Certificate

The Innovation, Product Design, and Entrepreneurship Program features an interdisciplinary certificate that is open to all Swanson School undergraduates. This flexible program provides students with an opportunity to learn academic principles of design, creativity and entrepreneurship through hands on experiences.

Why Innovation, Product Design and Entrepreneurship?

Employers seek engineers with skills in an array of emerging areas who can move products from conception to market in short time periods. It has become essential for engineers to integrate marketing and business strategies with new products design skills. In turn, technological and business changes in the product design environment have introduced manufacturing and production problems.

Further, in addition to entering engineering professional practice, grad school or another field (e.g., medicine, business or law), an increasing number of graduates are becoming entrepreneurs either upon graduation or within a few years of graduation. Hence, it becomes imperative that students become prepared for this emerging career path.


We have innovative, challenging, and exciting courses that cover:

  • Design thinking
  • Additive manufacturing
  • Virtual and rapid prototyping techniques
  • Integrated electronic and physical systems
  • Low and high resolution prototyping
  • Business aspects of product creation


The Certificate is open to all Swanson School of Engineering undergraduates, as well as qualified undergraduates from other units.  It combines coursework and co-curriculum experiences, with a broad, increasing menu of options. Courses will provide individuals with the necessary exposure and foundational theory that complements their major and enables them to branch into other areas of inquiry.

Innovation, Product Design, and Entrepreneurship Certificate