Dr. Brendan Connolly
Manager of Steelmaking Technology, Ellwood Quality Steels

Mr. Mark Cancilla
Retired Vice President, PPG

Mr. John Conturo
President of Conturo Prototyping, LLC

Dr. C. Edward Eckert
President, Apogee Technology, Inc.

Mr. Paul E. Fischione
CEO, E.A. Fischione Instruments, Inc.

Mr. John E. Goossen
Retired, Westinghouse

Mr. Benjamin A. Gordon
President of Allied Innovation Group

Mr. Fred Harnack
Retired, US Steel

Dr. David P. Hoydick
Research Consultant, US Steel Technical Center

Mr. James Kimbrell
Retired, L-3 Harris Technology

Mr. Raymond J. Labuda
Retired, Hankook Tire Co., LTD

Ms. Laura Livingston
Retired, Westinghouse

Mr. Theodore (Ted) F. Lyon
President, Hatch Associates Consultant, Inc. Managing Director, Iron & Steel

Mr. Steve Pilz
Retired, Ansys

Dr. Jim Rakowski
Technical Director, ATI Specialty Rolled Products