Aaron Cois


University of Pittsburgh Seal

Aaron Cois

Faculty Mentor: George Stetten


Research:Mr. Cois's research focuses on novel approaches for image analysis, especially, automated shape analysis and segmentation. He defended his doctoral thesis in October, 2007, which presented an application of an automated system for segmentation of cardiovascular structures designed to autonomously optimize parameters with no necessary user intervention. Validation performed on ovine MRI data showed the methods developed outperforming active contour segmentation solutions provided in modern clinically-driven software packages. The segmentations produced during Mr. Cois's Ph.D. research were used to provide detailed structural information for shape analysis of ovine RVOT structures in conjunction with the research of Dr. Michael Sacks and clinical collaborators at Children's Hospital, Boston.


  • Stetten G, Cois A, Chang W, Shelton D, Tamburo R, Castellucci J, von Ramm O. "C-mode Virtual image display for a matrix array ultrasound Sonic Flashlight". Academic Radiology12(5)(535-43): , 2005 
  • Shelton D, Stetten G, Aylward S, Ibanez L, Cois A, Stuart C. "Teaching medical image analysis with the Insight Toolkit". Medical Image Analysis9(6)(605-11): , 2005 
  • Cois CA, Rockot K, Galeotti J, Tamburo R, Stetten G. "Shells and spheres: a framework for variable scale statistical image analysis". CMU Robotics Tech Report2006(#CMU-RI-TR-04-19): , 2006 
  • Tamburo RJ, Siegle GJ, Stetten GD, Cois CA, Rockot KJ, Galeotti JM, Reynolds III CF, Aizenstein HJ. "Localizing amygdala structure differences in late-life depression". Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging2007( ): , 2007 
  • Cois CA, Rockot K, Galeotti J, Tamburo R, Gottlieb D, Mayer JE, Powell A, Sacks M, Stetten G. "Automated segmentation of the right heart using an optimized shells and spheres algorithm". Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging 2007( ): , 2007 
  • Tamburo RJ, Siegle GJ, Stetten GD, Cois CA, Butters MA, Reynolds III CF, Aizenstein HJ. "Amygdalae morphometry in late-life depression". International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry24(8)(837-46): , 2009 
  • Cois CA, Tamburo, Galeotti RJ, Sacks M, Stetten G. "Shells and spheres: an n-dimensional framework for medial-based image segmentation". International Journal of Biomedical Imaging2010( ): , 2010 
  • Fata B, Gottlieb D, Cois C, Stetten G, Mayer J, Sacks M. "3D in-vivo geometric characterization of the right ventricular outflow tract". Proceedings of 3rd Biennial Heart Valve Biology and Tissue engineering Meeting2008( ): p. 52, 2008 
  • Tamburo R, Siegle G, Stetten G, Cois CA, Reynolds III C, Aizenstein H. "Amygdala shape morphometry in late-life depression". Celebrating Research on Aging: Building Collaborations for the Future2006( ): , 2006 
  • Tamburo R, Siegle G, Stetten G, Cois CA, Reynolds III C, Aizenstein H. "Amygdala shape morphometry in late-life depression". Science 20062006( ): , 2006 
  • Cois CA, Tamburo R, Galeotti J, Sacks M, Stetten G. "Shells and Spheres: An n-Dimensional Framework for Medial-Based Image Segmentation". International Journal of Biomedical Imaging2010( ): , 2010 

Conferences:Bioengineering Graduate Student Research Symposium, Pittsburgh, PA, United States of America, 05/2007