
Job Opportunities


The Neural Tissue Electrode Interface and Neural Tissue Engineering Lab in the Department of Bioengineering at the University of Pittsburgh has two postdoctoral research fellow positions open immediately. The candidate should possess a Ph.D. degree in biomedical engineering, neuroscience, materials science, chemistry or a related field, and have published scholarly articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Strong research background and training experiences in some of the following areas are highly desired: biomaterials, electrochemical sensors, materials science, microfabrication, electrophysiology, molecular and cellular neurobiology, confocal and 2 photon imaging. Successful candidate will work on neural engineering research with a focus on advancing implantable neural interface technologies for neural recording, electrical and chemical modulation, and biosensing within the neural tissue. The candidate will be working with a multi-disciplinary team of neural engineers, material scientists, chemists, neurobiologists and clinicians. Neural engineering has exploded at University Pittsburgh with a critical mass of world class investigators working in this field. Collaboration is abundant across these investigators. We are also members of Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition, McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine ,and Brain Institute, which further bring researchers together across University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University.

Interested candidates should submit curriculum vitae, the names of three references, a statement of research experience, and date of availability to Professor Tracy Cui (xic11@pitt.edu). Detailed information on the NTE Laboratory can be found on this website. 


Graduate and Undergraduate Researcher Positions   

The Neural Tissue Electrode Interface and Neural Tissue Engineering Lab in the Department of Bioengineering at the University of Pittsburgh welcome applications from motivated graduate and undergraduate students! We have a variety of interdisciplinary projects in the fields of biomaterials & tissue engineering, drug delivery, biosensors and neural electrode devices. You may learn a range of research skills from chemical synthesis, materials characterization, to in vitro and in vivo studies of material-cell interaction or device-neural tissue interface. Interested candidates should email professor Tracy Cui (xic11@pitt.edu) and attach a resume.